Step Back

Step Back

I like to lament. I like calling it “lamenting” because it sounds a lot better than whining. David lamented in the Psalms and is known as, “a man after God’s own heart.” So, I will stick with lamenting rather than whining. Bear with me.

I like to look at my life and tell God what He hasn’t done for me rather than acknowledge what He has. Don’t get me wrong. I am a grateful person and give thanks to God daily for my many blessings. However, I notice that I lament over the things He hasn’t done yet a lot. I may not pray about these things all the time, but they are definitely on my mind most days. There’s lots He has given me. There’s lots He hasn’t. I lament. I guess you can say that I am human.

I went on my usual Tuesday walk and came home to make my shake. My husband waltzed (well, he probably didn’t really waltz but it sounds nice) into the kitchen to make his shake, too. We started chatting about who knows what when I realized something. I had gone years crying to God to bring my husband home (I lament, remember). He was traveling a lot awhile back and I had three small babies I was caring for. I was probably still a little hormonal from having said babies, thus, the increase in emotions.

Anyway, as I sat there talking with my husband mid-morning about whatever it is we were discussing, I realized I had always wanted my husband home. We are best friends. Sounds cheesy, but we really are. We are each other’s biggest cheerleaders and advocates. We fight for each other and thrive on talking things through. My heart’s desire was to have my husband home and by-golly, he was home.

God answered my prayer and I didn’t even realize it. He knew the desire of my heart and gave it to me without me even batting an eye. I sat there across the island from my husband and thanked God for giving me what I didn’t even realize I wanted and needed: a husband who works from home most of the time.

Ever been there? Ever beg God for something and then not even realize when He actually blesses you with that thing? When a take a step back and look into my life from the outside I recognize that God has blessed me far greater than I realize. He has given me things I didn’t even know I wanted until they became a part of my life. He knows my heart, the depths of my soul, and he blesses me beyond imagine with these things. Yet, I am too busy lamenting over my surface-level wants.

I forget to go deep. I forget to see my deepest desires because I am too distracted with the stuff that lies on top. But, He sees. He knows. And He blesses me. My desire now, is to take a step back and see His hand weaving its way through my life. He is present. He is there. He is blessing me beyond my wildest dreams.

Take a step back and notice today. I bet you can stop lamenting.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” Ephesians 3:20

Love & Blessings,
