Guaranteed Strategies to Grow Your Following

Guaranteed Strategies to Grow Your Following

We have three boys: one middle schooler and two in elementary. We are in the throws of technology and cell phones. Only one of our boys has a phone right now. He is almost thirteen but his phone is pretty boring. There is no internet browser. No YouTube. No social media. We know the time is nearing when we will have to navigate these waters with him, but we are enjoying the calm seas for now.

One of the main reasons our son doesn’t have a social media account yet is because we want him to develop confidence in himself (through Christ) instead of looking to likes and follows for affirmation. It is too easy a trap and we don’t want him to build a foundation on falsities. I know I have fallen into this trap myself. I cannot imagine trying to manage my insecurities in a social media world.

“Public affection will never heal internal rejection.”

~Rebekah Lyons

Are you a follower or are you following? In our culture and time, being a follower is frowned upon and seen as weak. We are all trying to find the magic formula or strategy that will guarantee growth in our Instagram followng. But, Jesus says the opposite. He calls us to follow him which strengthen and empowers us.

And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Matthew 4:19

Too many of us are looking for public affection to heal us on the inside. We long for likes and follows to fill our cup. Instead, we are left empty and hopeless. It is no wonder half of us feel lonely. We are trying to find our confidence in the wrong place.

Our confidence is in Christ not Instagram. 
Our confidence is in Christ not how many hearts a picture received.
Our confidence is in Christ not the number of followers we have. 

Where do you find your confidence? Is it set in a firm foundation or does it flounder based on analytics? I know I have looked to Instagram to help boost my confidence. It feels good when you are seen by others. It is not a bad thing to long to be seen. We just need to make sure that we are desiring to be seen by Him.

Likes and follows will only fill the void for a moment. Having a platform and being the center of someone else’s attention will only feel good until they are onto the next trending feed. Having followers isn’t all it is cracked up to be. Becoming a follower and following him? That’s sustaining.

It is time we flip this narrative upside down. Platforms and followings are unfulfilling and momentary. Following Jesus brings abundance. We don’t have to chase Jesus like we have to chase followers. Jesus chases us because he wants a relationship with you and me. Following, to Him, isn’t about a platform. It’s about eternity.

Don’t chase your confidence in something that won’t last. Don’t look to others to be the foundation of your confidence. You will be walking on shaky ground if you do. Find a firm foundation of confidence in the one who chases after you: Jesus. You won’t be shaken or disappointed.

Love & Blessings,
