The Why

My husband traveled for work quite a bit. I was a stay-at-home-mom and needed some connection. After the boys went to sleep, I would jump on my iPad and search for my favorite mom vloggers. Their ability to be vulnerable and say the things we were all thinking out loud drew me in. I watched them religiously because they made me feel a little less crazy and a little more normal.

The Messy Mingling grew out of the idea that their isn’t a space, no community, where we could ask the hard stuff without being condemned. Life can be rough. Faith is messy. The two together? Watch out. I needed a place where I had #gracetoquestion. So, what does any crazy girl do when what she needs isn’t out there? She creates it herself.

Welcome to The Messy Mingling where you can ask all the things and not be attacked by trolls; a place where there is absolute grace to ask even the craziest of questions. Because if we can’t ask the hard questions, then why would we ever need faith?