The Giver

The Giver

I’m a giver. I don’t say this to brag. It’s just who I am. I would much rather serve others than be served. It makes me extremely uncomfortable to let people do things for me. I know I drive people crazy and probably make them 

Let Them GO

Let Them GO

I bawled my eyes out pulling away after dropping my babies off at sleep-away camp. I couldn’t wait to get to FaceTime my oldest while he was on his missions trip. The fish died and I couldn’t resurrect him. On the first day of school. 



Flashback Friday Walls What is holding you up? Where does your foundation lie? I was sitting on my bed admiring the TV that hung on the wall. I have wanted our TVs hung since we moved into this house. I have three boys and visions 

Chasing Go With The Flow

Chasing Go With The Flow

I’ve read many blog posts and articles about how we as a society “chase busy.” I’ve also read posts that tell us how we need to start “chasing slow.” We talk about balance and how we need it, but know it’s unattainable. My husband often 

Flashback Friday: Exhausted

Flashback Friday: Exhausted

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: This post popped up on my Time Hop this week. What incredible timing! Isn’t it amazing how God does things like this? You are going through something hard and He shows you He is near. I may not be sick (knock on wood), 



You are worthy. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are destined for greatness. You were made with a purpose and for a plan. You are beautiful. You are highly favored. You. You. You. We like compliments. We enjoy when people tell us how great 

Flashback Friday: Our Miracle

Flashback Friday: Our Miracle

Flashback Post: A Continuation of the Miscarriage Series I wrote this post when I was twelve weeks pregnant with our middle son. At this point, I had had two miscarriages. I also thought I lost him. I had some complications at 12 weeks that lasted 

Lightning, Thunderstorms, oh…Revelation???

Lightning, Thunderstorms, oh…Revelation???

FLASHBACK POST: …a continuation of my series on miscarriage. This entry is vulnerable, real, and raw. The dead of night is always the hardest when you are going through something tough. It is when you are completely alone in your feelings. I remember this night 

My Best Life

My Best Life

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 I follow a lifestyle blogger who touts living her best life. She just turned forty and decided that it is about time 

Flashback Friday: Worth

Flashback Friday: Worth

FLASHBACK FRIDAY The boys recently asked my about my teaching past. They wanted to know what grades I taught and what I thought of the kids. They asked if it was hard and if I liked to teach. Jack asked me if I wanted to