Functional Lepers

Functional Lepers

In Discerning the Voice of God, Priscilla Shirer talks about how we can be functional lepers. She gave some background to leprosy explaining that the disease can lay dormant for years without anyone knowing you have it. The diseased individual knows he or she is sick, but 

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Recovering Perfectionist

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Recovering Perfectionist

I am a recovering perfectionist. Weeellll, I can’t honestly say I’m recovered, but I am working on getting there. I did have to do about a bazillion things and get them all perfectly in order before I could sit down and write today. So there’s 

Be the Change

Be the Change

I did it, y’all. I did what we all do. I saw the controversial post and got sucked into the train wreck that is the comment feed left in its wake. This one wasn’t too bad. Well, in regards to today’s standards, that is. I 

Flashback Friday: Beauty in the Thicket

Flashback Friday: Beauty in the Thicket

**DISCLAIMER: I wrote this post last winter as we transitioned to spring. This winter has been colder and we have definitely had more cloudy days lately than sunshine. However, it is still fitting to talk about finding beauty in the dreary as we endure the 

Pointing Fingers

Pointing Fingers

Have you ever gotten out of bed in the morning, walked into the bathroom, quickly looked at your reflection as you passed by, and gasped because you didn’t recognize the person staring back at you? Or, you flip to your camera app on your phone 

Flashback Friday: 15

Flashback Friday: 15

Fifteen years. Seems like a lifetime. Seems like a blink of an eye. Scott and I were married 15 years ago. We had a six year dating adventure before we walked down the aisle. While I feel like we have been together for a lifetime 

Get It Girl

Get It Girl

Yup. I am going to talk about working out. Nope. I am not going to guilt you into some program or joining a gym. That’s not my jam. What I am going to do, hopefully, is inspire you. “I don’t HAVE to workout. I GET 



Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is 

Death by Motherhood

Death by Motherhood

Is there such thing as death by motherhood? Because I think this break just may kill me. Or, I may break like a badly beaten toy. Mercy. This has been a tough season; probably one of my most exhausting seasons of motherhood yet and that