
I started the word trend. Have you? You know the one where we no longer make New Year’s resolutions but instead select a word or phrase for the year. I am a wordy girl. I LOVE words. I have them all over my house and tend to use too many in a day. I am not one to grasp onto the current trend. I tend to push back for a bit until finally getting on the train. I started the word of the year thing a couple years ago and it stuck. So, this is my ode-to-my-word-of-the-year post.
I really didn’t think I would have a word this year. Nothing was coming to me. I felt like the kid who squeezed her eyes as tight as she could hoping and wishing she would open her eyes and see the one thing she desperately wanted. I’d close my eyes real tight, think real hard, but nothing. Nada. Zip.
And then one day, there it was: EXPECTANT. At first, I didn’t think this was my word. It was too cliche with all that I was doing. I tried to think of another word. I didn’t really like this one. I tend to fall on the self-deprecating (I like to call it humility) side of things and this felt pompous. Who am I to expect anything? But, to my dismay, the word stuck.
So, here I sit at the beginning of 2018 expectant. The Lord has great plans for me and it is time I start believing this truth going after those plans expectant that he will show up. That doesn’t mean I won’t experience valleys. What it does me is that he is in those valleys (& in the mountaintop moments) and he deems them for good.
God tells us over and over again that he has great things for us. His Word is full of promises. If I claim to believe in him, I must also believe what he says. And he says he will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond anything we could imagine (Ephesians 3:20). It’s time I start living out my belief.
Psalm 25 says, “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long.”
Teach me YOUR ways.
You are my hope.
I wait expectant.
“Whatever He’s been speaking to you to do, I’d say go for it. Let this be the year.” Joanna Gaines
Love & Blessings,