Get It Girl

Yup. I am going to talk about working out. Nope. I am not going to guilt you into some program or joining a gym. That’s not my jam. What I am going to do, hopefully, is inspire you.
“I don’t HAVE to workout. I GET TO workout.”
I walked into the workout room decked out in all my layers since it was ten degrees this morning. My friend set-up in front of me and asked if I had received my shirt. She was wearing a tank we both ordered and I couldn’t remember what I was wearing. I had on eighty layers and had gotten dressed in the dark that morning. Turns out, I was wearing the same shirt. Our friends have a workout apparel company and we were both representing (shout out Life and Laundry Apparel). I watched us as we moved in tandem through a really challenging workout wearing tank tops that told us we need to change our mindset from having to workout out to getting to workout.
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 1 Corinthians 3:16
It’s no surprise that our bodies are amazing. They can do far more than we allow them to. We don’t give our bodies enough credit. We forget to look at who Created us.
Working out isn’t all about the physicality. I often speak about the mental, emotional, and spiritual connections I make when I workout. And let me just say, I do not love working out. I don’t usually wake up in the morning ready to lift some weights and do some squats. Even though I ran a half marathon, I actually hate running. That’s why I say that working out is so much more than moving my body.
Today’s workout was especially hard; the day I wore the same tank top as my friend. I got through that workout because of her, some prayer, and a little self-talk. Working out has shown me that I am much stronger than I give myself credit for. I can do hard things and push through things that hurt and don’t feel good becoming stronger on the other side. I am not only stronger physically but mentally and spiritually, as well. I push past all that negative self-talk and get in some serious prayer time during my workouts. It’s not all about forcing myself to do something that doesn’t feel good. It’s about knowing that I get to do this.
I get to strengthen my body.
I get to strengthen my mind.
I get to strengthen my relationship with Jesus.
I get to strengthen my friendship with women who encourage and build me up.
I get to do all of this all because I choose to workout.
Working out has a negative stigma that needs to go away. The benefits from moving our bodies far outweighs the pain and nuances we convince ourselves it brings. I don’t have some magic drink or a perfect program for you. What I do have, is a little encouragement. Start somewhere. Just start.
Our bodies are a temple. They truly are. It is our job to nourish them and that starts from the inside out. Get moving. You deserve it. And, maybe, just maybe you will find…
That you are STRONGER than you think.
That you CAN do this.
You just may FIND God there.
You may find your TRIBE there, too.
Love & Blessings,