
I love my sleep. I may not be good at resting, but sleeping is my jam. I love the feeling of getting into my bed after the day is done. I always have to get into a made bed. I cannot get comfortable in a messy bed. Weird, I know. Just one of my things. I recently read a quote on a shirt (You know, those shirt companies that advertise on Facebook). At first, I thought it was cute. Then, I came to my senses. This shirt is part of what is wrong in this world; what is wrong with our priorities.
Sleep is for the weak.
That is what the quote read. “Sleep is for the weak.” At first I thought, “Ya! That’s right! You’re weak if you stop and rest.” I have been conditioned to think this way. If I am not doing, I am lazy. If I sit down, I am not earning my keep. I’ve latched onto Dori’s fin and sung, “Just keep swimming,” in harmony. Just. Keep. Going.
Y’all, this is a LIE. A bold-faced flat-out lie. The shirt should read: Sleep makes you strong.
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
Genesis 2:2
If the Creator of the universe rested, than we should, too. God rested. He saw that all the work he had completed was good and accomplished, so he rested. I feel like if the mention of rest is in the first few sentences in the Bible, than maybe, just maybe, we should adhere to this way of living.
We have been absolutely conditioned in our culture that rest is for the weak. Go on. Wear yourself out. Do everything. Do it all. And when you do, you can have it all.
All you will have if you strive to live this way is the flu and a mental breakdown.
Have you ever been so tired you started crying for no reason? Just me? Have you ever been so tired that you snapped at your kids or your spouse or the checker at the grocery store? Just me? Have you ever been so tired you put your clothes on inside out? Just me? I know I am not alone in this. Neither are you.
Stop striving to be strong by being busy. There is no strength in exhaustion. There is no strength in striving. But rest? Oh, there is strength in rest.
Think of all the things you can accomplish after a good night’s sleep. Think of how clear-headed you are when you feel like you have taken a moment to be still. We are better, I know I am better, when I allow myself to rest.
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10
Time and time again, the Bible talks about the importance of rest. Jesus naps during a storm. He removes himself from the crowd to pray.
Rest is for the strong. Not the weak.
Lay down the guilt and go lay yourself down. Be still. Take a nap. Remove yourself from the chaos and go for a walk; no ear buds.
We were created by the Creator to rest. He rested. Jesus rested. It’s time we all take a pause and rest.
Love & Blessings,