Perception vs. Deception

When we live in others’ perception of ourselves, we are deceived.
When we live for our own perception of ourselves, we are deceived.
Only God’s perception matters.
I have a saying written on a chalkboard in my office. It reads, Confidence in Christ. I wrote the phrase a few years ago and have yet to change it. You see, I need a constant reminder about where my confidence lies. It is easy to get wrapped up in thinking my value comes from what others say or think of me. I can quickly turn on myself when I see an unliked post on Instagram. My self-worth can deteriorate rapidly when I concoct those crazy stories in my head about what others might be saying about me behind my back. The Enemy knows how to get me and it’s in the stories I tell myself.
I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
…being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ. Philippians 1:6
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. Jeremiah 17:7
In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12
The Word is painted with our value. We find our self-worth throughout Scripture. We read it. We know it. The words are in black and white on the page. Yet, it is so very hard to get these truths to firmly plant roots in our heart.
Our self-worth, our value, does not lie in the opinions of others or in our perception of ourselves. Our self-confidence resides in the One who created us: God. He made you and me on purpose and for a purpose. It is time we start believing this. Our perception remains pure when we see it through the lens of Jesus,
You are valuable…
Because God
You are worthy…
Because God
You are beautiful…
Because God
You have purpose…
Because God
Your life has meaning…
Because God
Many of us need freedom today. We need the chains of other people’s thoughts about us to be cut free. I have the bolt cutters (the Word of God) and I am here to set you free through the One who frees us: Jesus Christ.
You are so very worthy, my beautiful friend. This world needs you for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Don’t let other’s have a hold on you. Don’t let the thoughts you have of yourself run wild and spew lies. That’s not truth. The truth rests in the Savior and He proclaims your holy value in Him.
Rest easy in this. Be free today.
You are worthy.
You are valuable.
Because your Creator says so.
Love & Blessings,