Summer of Independence

I have some goals this summer. Like, get my kids to make themselves breakfast and tie their shoes. I want them to be able to man themselves for more than 2.5 seconds without Mama Camp Counselor calling the shots. I created three of you. Three built-in buddies. Surely, you can play together and entertain each other without my intervention. What I didn’t realize, is that teaching my kids independence meant I had to learn some independence, too.
I have served my family for twelve years. I left my teaching career eleven years ago to stay home and raise our kids. All I’ve known this season is serving others. My identity formed in the throws of motherhood. It’s hard to just let that go. My sister says that God doesn’t just pull the band-aid off. Little-by-little, your children gain their independence and slowly move from needing you for everything to only needing you for certain things.
As much as I want my boys to gain independence, I have realized that this is difficult for me. I know it’s my job to raise competent humans. But, it is also my job to love and care for them. I am learning that mommy has a lot of growing to do this summer, too.
Giving your children independence is a lot of work and not just for the kids. My heart needs to let go; if only just a little bit. I need to make space for the boys to learn, grow, and make mistakes outside of their mama. These are the moments that will propel them towards becoming a good human.
I’m not going to lie, though. It’s tough. Giving your kiddos independence means you lose a little control. Your kitchen may become a disaster; things left done but undone. Yet, we were all designed for independence.
Independence is where my children will find the God their dad and I talk about. Independence is where their faith will be tested and hopefully strengthened. Independence is where they will fall and learn their need for a Savior. Independence is the place where their faith will become their own. And this is what I want my kids to learn this summer.
This is the summer of independence. A summer of mom letting go and kids coming into their own. Space to make mistakes and find grace. A time to find and develop their need for and (hopefully) for Jesus. A season to realize they truly are capable of so many things. We will all be challenged, pressed upon, and frustrated at times. But, the reward is too great not to step into a summer of independence.
Love & Blessings,