You are worthy.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are destined for greatness.
You were made with a purpose and for a plan.
You are beautiful.
You are highly favored.
We like compliments. We enjoy when people tell us how great we are. We check our social media to see how many “likes” our pictures receive. We like to go to church and leave feeling encouraged and good about ourselves, don’t we? We are a pretty me-focused society. From toddler-hood on, we are a pretty selfish bunch. We like things to go our way, in our timing, with our plans. Tell us how fantastic we are, and our day is made.
When we take a look at the Gospel, at the life of Jesus, we see quite the opposite. No longer is the message me-centered. Instead, it is others-focused.
“Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28
Jesus came to serve. He came for others. He laid down his life in everything that he did. The King of kings lived and died for others. His entire mission was others-focused. It is time we do the same.
Yes, you are absolutely worthy. You are beautiful, valuable, made with a purpose, and destined for greatness. But, can I challenge you and say that your beauty will shine in all its radiance when you are serving others. Your purpose will be completely fulfilled when you lay down your life; your plans. Your destiny will blow your mind the moment you step out of yourself and towards loving others instead. God did design you with brilliance. That brilliance is meant to be shared with the world, not kept to yourself.
It’s time we step outside of ourselves and our comfort zones and into our true calling: serving others. We are meant to serve not be served and it’s time we start living this out. It’s time we realize that life isn’t all about me. This is exactly what Jesus did. In everything he did, he laid his life down for others.
Jesus is worthy because he made others realize their worth.
Jesus is wonderful because he reminded others that they were created out of love.
Jesus was great because he helped others see the greatness within themselves.
Jesus fulfilled his purpose by being the fulfillment of a promise for you and me.
Jesus is beautiful because he showed others the beauty within themselves.
Jesus is highly favored because he put others before himself.
You are worthy, you are valuable, you are favored, you are created for a purpose all because one Man, the King of kings, gave himself over for you. It is time we lay down our lives for others serving one another with extreme love and grace just the way Jesus did for us.
Love & Blessings,