Someone Else

I didn’t become myself until I tried to be her.
I love Ree Drummond and Joanna Gaines. I mean, who doesn’t? What a dream to create beautiful meals in the middle of nowhere and design gorgeous spaces! I spent years trying to be someone else. When I was younger, I tried to be the girl that filled the pages of magazines. As I got older and became a wife, I tried to be the woman who was married a little longer than I who could cook a good meal and whose house looked like it could be featured on HGTV. When I became a mom, I strived to be the girl who seemed to have it all together because I absolutely did not. Rarely did I try to be myself. I was always chasing someone else’s dream.
Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8
It wasn’t until I tried to be her that I finally became myself. I had to chase her dreams and her life before I realized I liked my own. I needed to try and fail and being her in order to know that being me is the best I can be. Chasing her life opened my eyes to my weaknesses. It awakened me to all my inadequacies. It also enabled me to find my strengths. You see, I finding my weaknesses in trying to be her allowed me to find my confidence. I realized that I am weak in those areas because I was never meant to be those things. I wasn’t designed that way so I needed to stop chasing someone else’s life.
I wasn’t designed to be her. I was created to be me; to have my voice, my style, my idiosyncrasies at exactly this time. You are, too. What power in that statement! We aren’t created to be someone else. We are created to be exactly who we are.
In general, us women spend our entire lives chasing confidence. We look to our left and to our right desperately trying to be her never realizing that being me is the best of all. Chasing her life puts us in bondage. Trying to be what our culture tells us we should be limits our ability to be all that we were created for. Freedom is found when we break free from the chase of others’ lives and start chasing our own.
You were never meant to be her. Neither was I. We were never meant to live up to the standards of society only to the standards of a Savior. The standards of Jesus don’t come with a checklist. There is nothing we can do to earn His love or acceptance. We are loved because we are His and that’s what makes us beautiful.
Start chasing you, beautiful sister. You are exquisite just because you are you.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14
Love & Blessings,