
“Darkness does not drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.
I love you. Some of us say this statement flippantly. Some don’t say it at all. This sentiment can bring on pain, hurt, and fear. These three words can also heal, comfort, and console. We all want to hear someone tell us they love us. We have a longing way down deep to be loved. We also hold our love captive from those that need to pay for their wrongs before we can speak love towards them.
We want it.
We need it.
We are created for it.
Our American “I love you” is vastly different than God’s love. Our love comes with lists of past hurts and stipulations. We measure our love through actions of others. Love is not unconditional or freely given. We prefer most people to earn our love.
God’s love, well, His love is free. There is nothing we can do to earn His love. When we mess up, He’s there arms wide open loving us through it. It’s just there; ready for the taking full of grace and mercy with no prerequisites.
What we fail to realize in all our humanness is that loving others does not remove consequences. Loving others does not justify wrongs. Loving throws open the doors to healing, reconciliation, and hope. Justice does not require hate. Justice is not the absence of love. Justice is acknowledging the problem and opening the floodgates of love. Justice holds the accused accountable while giving them an opportunity to be redeemed.
‘Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.’ Luke 23:34
When I think of love and justice, I think of Jesus. He was hanging from the cross when he showed love. Nails pierced his body when he loved. He loved those who put Him to death and those who fought for Him. He loved the faithful and the one who would betray. He just loved.
We are impacting each other far greater than we realize. We are not a one-side-against-the-other America. We are one and we matter. We affect each other every day. What is your impact? Love? Even loving those you loathe?
We don’t have to dehumanize others to hold them accountable. We don’t have to fear loving those who’ve wronged us.
We need to love others in such a way that we are propelling them towards redemption instead of disposing them in the “other” pile. Redemption does not remove conviction. It brings healing after the fall.
Love today.
No strings attached.
Just plain simple love.
Love & Blessings,