Ordinary Days: Holiness in Human Hands

Holiness in Human Hands
Water to wine
Raising Lazarus from the dead
Fed 5,000 with five loaves & two fish
Walked on water
Healed the soldiers ear
Jesus did many miracles. He is known for many things; especially the miracles he did while here on earth. When people think of Jesus, they think of His miracles. They bring hope to a sometimes hopeless time.
What we don’t hear a lot about is Jesus’ every day. What did He do as He lived out His 33 years. We are so easily gripped by the spotlight moment, even in our own lives, that we miss the miracle of the every day.
Jesus was a child who had to learn to walk, talk, and be a sibling and friend. He was a preteen trying to figure out all the weird stuff. He became a teenager coming into His manhood and His calling. The early 20s came along and He was well on His way in His ministry. He met a group of buddies and did life with them.
Can you imagine?
You are Matthew laughing until your stomach hurt because of something Jesus said and then, all of a sudden, you realize the God of the universe made you laugh. The one who created so much joy in you that the overflow is laughter is the one who told the joke. Holiness in human hands.
You are Thomas and you are frustrated. You are just having one of those days. Jesus comes along and brings you lunch. He sits and eats with you knowing you needed your tribe. You feel comforted by your friend. You forget that He is holiness in human hands.
Imagine the banter along the roads as these men traveled together. Can you picture their laughter and jarring each other? These men were friends. They were each others’ people. They did life together. They laid under the stars at night talking about the day before them only to realizing they were debriefing with the one who made the stars. Holiness in human hands.
It’s easy to equate Jesus with holiness; especially when you think of all the miracles He performed. What is even more extraordinary to me is His holiness in the every day. Holiness in human hands.
Jesus becomes even more exquisite when I think about the holiness that came from His human hands. When I think about how He worked with His hands as a stone mason building things and getting dirty I think about how those are the same hands that created the heavens and the earth. Holiness in human hands.
“May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in His works — He who looks at the earth, and it trembles, who touches the mountains , and they smoke.” Psalm 104:31-32
Love & Blessings,