Flashback Friday
What is holding you up? Where does your foundation lie?
I was sitting on my bed admiring the TV that hung on the wall. I have wanted our TVs hung since we moved into this house. I have three boys and visions of Nerf wars gone wrong ending in a shattered TV swirled in my head. Not to mention the idea of a TV falling on someone. So, with that being said, I was happily relieved when the TVs were hung.
As I sat there staring at the beauty of that TV safely on the wall, I began to wonder if the wall could actually hold such a heavy object. All looked great on the outside. The anchors in place. The screws screwed tight. But, what was on the inside of that wall and could it withstand the weight of the TV?
My mind wanders to crazy and far off lands sometimes. Stick with me.
As I began to wonder about the capacity of the wall to hold such a hefty object, I thought about us and our faith. The outside looks good. We look put together and strong. But what’s going on on the inside? Do we have a strong foundation to hold the weight of all that life throws at us?
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7: 24-27
The wall cannot sustain the weight of the TV if it is not built correctly. If that TV was not mounted properly on the studs behind the drywall, it would fall and shatter. If we do not build a strong foundation in our faith, we too can easily crumble.
Too often we listen to the sermon on Sunday and never unpack the message on Monday. We sing the songs, pray the prayers, go through the motions never to let it become a part of our foundation. We do the right Christianly things attending Bible study and raising our hand in agreement with the message never to see evidence of it in our lives. We need to move from shouting hallelujahs to living our salvation.
When life throws us curve balls, when we get overwhelmed, when fear enters the picture, when uncertainty overwhelms us, we better hope that wall will hold the weight.
You can attend church every Sunday. You can go to Bible study every semester. You can sing praise songs and shout amen. But, if you are not letting the Word of God penetrate your soul building a firm foundation on Christ, you will crumble under the pressure. You will be steered in wrong directions. You will look for justification instead of truth. The storm will easily sweep you away.
“He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.” Luke 6:48
Build a foundation on the Truth of God and you will not be shaken. It does not matter what storm heads your way. That wall will hold the weight. The only way you can build that foundation strong is being in the Word and letting it change, grow, and mold you from the inside out. It takes action from you. Movement. Change. It may get messy. I remember coming to our house while it was being built. The garage was always filled with leftover building materials thrown about haphazardly. It was a disaster. The house was a mess. It was hard to imagine the beauty it would eventually hold. Let the hard, messy, construction happen so that a strong foundation may be built. Then, when the floods come, and they will come, you will not be shaken.
Love & Blessings,