The Room

When we first decided we were going to move to Texas twelve years ago, my husband and I hopped on a plane and flew to the Lone Star state to check it out. We’d drive the communities we were interested in and begin planning and dreaming. We came across a little sleepy town just north of Dallas. My husband loved it. This girl? Well, I was a little apprehensive. You see, coming from Southern California, I was used to having neighbors and everything at my discretion. I was worried about the traffic I would encountered trying to get to Target on the two-lane country road and that I would be lonely because I would have cows instead of people for neighbors. Little did I know that we would eventually move to that little sleepy town.
After settling down and creating roots in Texas, we decided to move again. We needed something different; something that fit our family at this stage of life. I remember we would drive around before our date nights trying to find that perfect neighborhood. We kept coming back to the one with the lake. I mean, what boy wouldn’t love a lake and dirt trails to play in? It was perfect for our family. We walked the model home a few times and while my husband bought the house for the lot, I loved two things about the house: the playroom was tucked away upstairs (Say goodbye to hearing noisy boys 24/7) and this little sitting room right off the master.
Oh, I had BIG dreams for that little room. And dreams they were. Who was I thinking that I would ever use that room given the fact that I had a 2, 3, and 6 year old at the time, let alone sit down? I loved that room. It was mine. And after sharing my body and my space with so many boys for so long, I was ready to have something all my own; even if that meant I never sat there.
Flash forward a few years and the boys were finally in school. I found myself sitting in that room a little more. I’d sit and read, do my Bible study, and take a quick snooze on the little love seat. Anything to get in that space. There was something magical when I was in there. Maybe it was a place where I could finally breath. A place that was girly and held my visions. Little did I know, this room was going to be a place where I launched a dream.
It’s funny how God starts stirring in your soul way back when and you had no idea He was even working in that moment. When we decided to build this model, that little sitting room was a sweet dream coming to life. I could see all my visions pinned to a board in the closet space. This room was a nod to opportunity for me even though I had no idea what that opportunity was.
Here I sit, five years later, in that little sitting room. Dreams have been birthed in this space. Tears shed. Passions launched into reality. I walk by my room, look inside, and sigh. God knew all along. He knew before we broke ground and put up the walls what this space would hold for me. He saw my dream before it was planted in my soul and He gave me this space to discover it.
Anytime I feel discouraged in this process, I remember the room. I remember that He saw what was to come for me before I even gave light to the idea. He spoke something in me before it was even a thought on my radar. He has great plans for me and that little room. I know because I am living it.
He has great plans for you, too. Plans you cannot envision for yourself today because it is not time for them to be revealed. Remember all those years ago I thought I would never sit in that space. The life before me during that time did not permit it. Motherhood to three babies called for my attention instead. He knew, however, and He saw what I couldn’t see. I was blinded by diapers and potty training and trips to and from preschool. I was busy and distracted in that season, all the while, God was preparing a place, that room, for me to live out a dream. He’s doing the same for you. Don’t lose hope.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Love & Blessings,