FLASHBACK FRIDAY: You Have What It Takes

You ARE valued.
You ARE valuable.
You ARE worthy.
You ARE highly favored.
You ARE loved.
We need YOU.
My youngest was taking a bath in my bath tub while I was getting ready for bed. We were chit-chatting about things when he noticed a 3×5 card on my mirror.
W: Why do you have that sign on your mirror, Mommy?
Me: I need it. It’s a good reminder for me.
W: Why do you need a reminder that “You have what it takes”?
M: Because everyone needs that reminder every now and then.
We ALL need a reminder that we add value to this world. We need to be told that we matter. Most of us, including myself, struggle with worth from time-to-time; sometimes all the time. We want to matter. We want to have a positive impact on this world. But, far too often, we feel alone, unqualified, and marginalized. We feel like someone else is doing it so no one needs us. We believe the lie that our voice adds nothing. We forget that we are valuable.
You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done – but simply because you are. Max Lucado
You are valuable just because you exist; because God created you. He created you for a purpose and out of love. That is enough. I know many times it does not feel like enough, but it is.
You are valuable.
This world needs you. We need you. We need your voice, your stories, the gifts you don’t think you have. We need your love, your hugs, your mistakes, your mess. We need it. All of it. Every single thing that makes you you: WE NEED THAT.
So, when you are feeling worthless, when you are feeling completely alone remember that you are needed. You are valuable just because you exist.
Love & Blessings,