Mob Mentality

Buzz word.
Identity is a buzz word these days. Everyone is talking about identity. Young adults, teens, and kids are all searching to find who they are. Adults are finding their labels in political affiliation, religion, non-religion, or where the land on the topic of the day. We are all buzzing around shifting and squirming trying to make an identity stick.
We all want to belong to something. We have a deep longing to be someone; to have some sort of idea of who we are. If we know who we are, then we can find our purpose. That is why you see so many passionate people today. We are witnessing more and more people identifying with some cause igniting a fire within sending them into a passionate frenzy to live out their purpose in this identity.
We are created for identity.
Unfortunately, too many of us are finding our identity in the wrong place. We are finding our identity with the mob mentality rather than the One who created us. Because of this, we collapse into a heap of unrest and frustration. Our identity lies in one place: Christ.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
We pick a side and that becomes our identity. But, that is not what God intended for our identity. He created us in His image desiring you and I to find ourselves in Him not the mob mentality. Because we are not finding ourselves in this space, we are lost. This is why our culture seems to be in distress. Everyone is searching to find themselves looking everywhere but to the One who formed them before they were born. (Psalm 139:13-14)
We are a culture of mob mentality. The loudest talking head is telling us who we are and we are hanging on every last word. We are allowing others to define who we are. It is time we stop.
Your identity is in Christ. What does that mean? It means you are full of love, grace, and mercy. It means that in all your imperfections and rough edges you are still loved. Finding yourself in Christ means you never have to question your value or purpose. You are valuable because you are His. Period. An identity in Christ means it doesn’t matter what size you are or how often you have failed, you are still loved. Personally, I would much rather find myself here than in the hands of the mob mentality.
It is time we stop allowing the mob tell us who we are. It time we enable the Creator of the universe, the moon and sun and stars, to be the author of our identity.
You are loved because you are His.
You are valued because you are His.
You are perfect in all your imperfections because you are His.
Your identity is in Him. No one else.
Love & Blessings,