Show Up To Your Life

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
It’s time.
It is time you show up to your life. Too many of us are sitting on the sidelines watching our lives (and everyone else’s, for that matter) pass us by. We pick up our foot to step onto the field of play, and quickly pull it back.
Too scared.
Too old.
Too busy.
Too tired.
We have convinced ourselves of what is going to hold us back and we are frozen.
In the Book of John, Jesus tells us why He’s come: to give us life. He hasn’t come to just give us a tiny sliver. He has come to give us an abundant life. The enemy, however, has come to steal that life away from us. And, if we are being honest, most of us has let him.
It is time you and I show up for our lives. It is time for us not to feel guilty for living a life of abundance. It is time for us to unleash all that He has inside us and let it out into the world. It is time we step away from the sidelines and into the field of play.
For far too long, we have believed the enemy and let him be the ruler of our lives. He has swept in and convinced us that we were not created for abundance; that abundance is for everyone else, not us. We have listened when he has chattered the lies: you are not ready, you are not good enough, you are too late, you don’t have the time, you aren’t financially sound to do that, you are not smart enough, you are not like her in our heads. It is time we stop the chatter and start the chase.
Show up to your life. He has offered you a life of abundance. All you have to do is get off the sidelines.
Are you ready?
Are you ready to feel fulfilled?
Are you ready to feel alive?
Are you ready to be energized like never before?
We need you. This world needs you. YOU need you. It’s time.
Show up.
Love & Blessings,