Life is Too Lifey: Top 10

This has been a rough week. Every day seems to have it’s own overwhelming struggles. Have you ever had a week like that. It all seems a little too “lifey.” It’s one of those weeks where you wish you could be a toddler again and go take a nap only to wake up to juice and a snack provided by someone else. When life gets to be a little too much, what do you do to get through it? I jotted down my Top 10 ways I try to get through those “lifey” days with health and success. Don’t hesitate to share your copings ways in the comments.
- Get Moving
- Moving my body clears my head. There is something about taking a walk or breaking a sweat that is like therapy to me. It is proven that moving our bodies releases endorphins which makes us all feel better. So, get off that couch and go on a walk!
- Music
- In my “lifey” week, I needed music. Not just any kind of music. I needed soft calming music. I started with instrumental worship music and then lost my brain and turned on instrumental Christmas music. I know I broke all my rules against Christmas before Thanksgiving, but I had to. Life was too lifey.
- Pray
- I know. Sounds cliche but it works. Talking to God chills me out and calms my soul. If I am being honest, my prayers sounded more like off-key singing because I kept repeating worship lyrics in my head, but they did the job.
- Get out of the house
- New scenery helps lighten the load. Sometimes staying stuck inside makes everything feel a bit more heavy. Getting out and about changes my view and my perspective. It can be as easy as sitting on my porch in my rocking chair.
- Your People
- Text that girlfriend. Go to lunch. Talk to your people. They see things in you that you can’t. They will be real with you. They will love you. Let them in.
- Find Something for YOU
- One of the best pieces of advice someone gave me when I quit teaching to stay home was to find something for you. What makes your soul come alive? Do more of that.
- Scripture
- Like an inspirational quote, Scripture breaths life back into you. Read one verse or a whole chapter. Just read. It will center you. Refocus you. Shift your perspective.
- Rest
- Take a bath. Light a candle. Take a nap. When we are stressed, our body needs rest not more to-dos. Allow yourself space, quiet, stillness.
- Get off Social Media
- Do yourself a favor, and STOP scrolling. Just stop. When life is stressful, Instagram won’t help. Give yourself (force yourself) a break from the scroll. Your physical, mental, and emotional health will thank you!
- Give Yourself a TON of Grace. Now, give yourself MORE.
- Grace. Let yourself have it. Give yourself more than you think you deserve. Because, there is never enough. Grace upon grace upon grace.
Love & Blessings,