Top Ten: How do you know you are following God’s plan for your life?

Have you ever questioned whether you were on the right path? Do you wish God would come down, sit next to you, and tell you your life plan? You have your map all laid out and then the road starts to curve. Better yet, there’s a fork in the road and you don’t know which way to choose. As Christians, we question if we are charging ahead on the right road. We wonder what God’s will is for our lives. We want to know the game plan and He only gives us one play. How do we know we are in God’s will? It isn’t as hard as we make it. We may not have the top ten next steps for our lives. But, we do have a game plan. Here are some ways I keep myself in check and know I am walking in His will and purpose for my life. I hope it is helpful to you.
- God’s plan for your life will never contradict His Word.
- You will feel confident in this path even if/when you don’t necessarily feel qualified.
- You will have to make sacrifices.
- You will have a joy and peace that you cannot explain (even when its hard).
- You won’t have to chase it.
- What you do for Him with withstand anything that comes against it.
- You will fully trust in and rely on Him & desire this.
- You may get a “no” but you will know that the “no” is purposeful.
- You may have questions (like, “How am I going to do this?”), but you won’t doubt.
- Your soul will feel rest even when the work feels hard.
Love & Blessings,