
Are you enjoying your life? Like, really enjoying it? The other day I noticed I was doing a lot of doing and wasn’t doing a lot of enjoying.
We came off a long weekend away with the kids and there things that needed to get done. I noticed while I was working on the blessed to-do list that I hadn’t smooched my youngest. He is my snuggle bug and mama’s boy, so it was unusual to go throughout the day without a smooch or a squeeze from him. The day was almost over and I couldn’t remember if I had even seen him.
So many of us are so busy at life, that we are forgetting to enjoy life.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
We get so absorbed with keeping everything in order, trying to get all the things done, and managing all the schedules that we forget to stop and enjoy what is right in front of us.
Marie Kondo (if you don’t know who I’m talking about, you must be living under a rock) coined the phrase, “spark joy”. She is an expert at home organization and focuses on the home and only keeping things that spark joy. I believe we can take this phrase into all areas of our lives. Whether life is chaotic or everything is neatly in it’s place, there is always an opportunity for us to #sparkjoy in our lives.
Jesus came to give us life and life to the full; a life of abundance. Too many of us are so distracted or too busy searching that we miss this gift: an opportunity to enjoy the life right in front of us.
Too many of us are living distracted or too busy searching for happiness that we are missing the opportunity to enjoy the life right in front of us.
Take a look around you. Are you consumed with making sure all the toys are put away and all the cash is in the right spending folder (this is all great, btw) that you are missing the joy your life has to offer?
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good to-do list. I love crossing all the things off the list. I love opening my drawers and seeing all the clothes lined perfectly. I enjoy walking into my closet and seeing the color-coded clothes on the racks. You know what else I love? I love giggling with my boys. I love listening to my husband’s corny jokes that only I get that make me laugh from the pit of my stomach. I love looking around my life and breathing it all in.
It’s time we start living life to the full and living it abundantly. It’s not just about putting the cell phone down or organizing closets. It’s about laying down the expectations and unnecessary pressures and living in the present.
Lay down the expectations and unnecessary pressures and start living in the present.
What #sparksjoy for you?
Find it.
Live it.
Love & Blessings,