Who Runs the World? Girls.

Who Runs the World? Girls.

Bathsheba: David’s mistress turned wife
Deborah: Judge and Prophetess
Dinah: Daughter of Jacob
Elisabeth: Mother of John the Baptist
Eve: The very first woman
Leah: Jacob’s wife
Lois: Timothy’s grandmother
Lydia: First Christian Convert
Mary: Mother of Jesus
Mary & Martha: Served Jesus
Mary Magdalene: Disciple of Jesus
Miriam: Sister to Aaron and Moses; Prophetess
Naomi: A Woman of Noble Character
Phoebe: Deaconness of the Church
Priscilla: Missionary
Rebekah: Wife of Isaac; mother of Jacob & Esau
Ruth: Left her life to be with her newly widowed mother-in-law; wife to Boaz
The Woman at the Well: First Missionary

This may just look like a list of names. The list could extend the entire page. There is a story behind each one of these women. A story of value, perseverance, and meaning. A story that was written and propelled by God. These are some of the women of the Bible.

I was raised to be a strong woman. I didn’t grow up in a feminist household. However, I was never told I couldn’t do something because I was a girl. I was a tomboy as a kid and felt I could do anything and be anyone I wanted. The only limitations in my life were the ones I set for myself. I do realize, though, that many women did not have this upbringing nor do they feel this empowerment.

I was first introduced to the Christian church in high school. The church I attended had, like many churches, a male pastor. Our youth group was led by a man but his wife was just as involved. We also had women leaders that were equal with the males. Then came college. I attended a different denomination and women had different roles. No longer were women equal. Instead, they could only serve in certain areas of leadership. For some reason, in that season, I didn’t see this as limiting. I went about my merry little way being who I was with no reservations.

I gave you this list of women so that you will see that you matter. You have a place in the Church; His church. God used women over and over again throughout Scripture. He did not hesitate to use a woman to expand the Kingdom. Women had/have just as much value to God as men. Period.

Ladies, the church is just as much yours as it is any mans. You have just as much of a place to lead and guide people to Jesus as a man does. God did so much, SO MUCH, through women. Women were missionaries, disciples, prophets, judges, and leaders for the sake of the Gospel. You are, too. Just because your church does not allow you to serve in a certain capacity does not limit the God (who created you, by the way) to use you for His glory.

Do not ever underestimate your value and worth especially when it comes to the Kingdom of God. You very much have a place in this story and God will and is using YOU. God did not create Eve just to hang out and make dinner. He had a place for her just as much as he had a place for Adam. 

So, serve him. In your home, at your workplace, in the grocery store, and at Starbucks. Serve the God you love so much without reservation. The Church needs you!

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Love & Blessings,
