Going Rogue

Peter. Let’s talk about this guy. Peter was in the inner circle with Jesus. He hung with the crew that eventually changed the world. A group of misfits bound together by a king; a king that looked nothing like royalty. Can I be honest? Peter was a hot mess.
Peter cut a soldier’s ear off. (John !8:10)
Peter was quick to take out the sword instead of trust the Savior. (Matthew 26:52)
Peter denied Christ. (John 18: 15-27)
Here’s the deal about Peter. His given name was Simon. Andrew, Peter’s brother, brought him to Jesus to show him that they had found the Messiah (Savior).
He first found his brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated as Christ). Andrew brought him to Jesus, who looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which means Peter). The next day Jesus decided to set out for Galilee. Finding Philip, He told him, “Follow Me.”…John 1:41-43
The very first thing Jesus did when he met Simon was change his name to Peter. Peter (also know as, Cephas) means “rock.” After he changed his name, Jesus told Peter the significance of this name change.
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.Matthew 16:16-18
The significance of this story is HUGE. It is also not lost on me. Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter BEFORE Peter did anything to qualify himself to be the rock which the church was built. If anything, Peter was going to go rogue a few times before he got himself together all while being the rock which Jesus saw fit to build his church.
So often we wait until we are fixed before we feel we are qualified.
Jesus is calling us to something, but we deny him because we aren’t ready. Like Peter, we are a hot mess. But when I read about how Jesus changed Peter’s name BEFORE he did anything to become a fitting choice to be the person Jesus uses to establish his church, I see hope.
You see, Jesus calls us WAY before we are ready. He calls us BEFORE we are qualified. He calls us when no one else knows our name. He does this because he knows our potential. He knows what he can do and through us even when we don’t think it’s possible. Jesus knows we are going to screw up. He knows we are going to fall. Yet, he calls us anyway.
If you are doubting yourself, stop. If you are feeling that nudge from Jesus but have convinced yourself there is no way he can be calling you, claim that for what it is: a bold faced lie.
Think about the repercussions if Peter had told Jesus, “Hmmmm…can we wait on this name change thing. You see, I am not ready, fit, or qualified to be this rock you are talking about so let’s give this name to someone else.” Think what Peter would have missed! I don’t want to miss it!
Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter before he was ready. Jesus hit start well before Peter knew what was going on. Peter stumbled and fell and stumbled some more, yet that did not deter Jesus’ for Peter.
Jesus is calling you. He wants to change your name. He knows you are a hot mess but wants to use you anyway. What lies are you believing today? What story have you told yourself that’s keeping you from living out his mission and purpose in your life?
It is time you let Jesus change your name.
Love & Blessings,