God’s Presence Our Comfort

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Have you ever heard the question: If God is so good, why do bad things happen? Me too. It’s a tough one. It really is. We can come back with all the Christian-y answers, but that doesn’t always satisfy. So, what do we do with this messy part of our faith.
We keep telling our story even when our story is ugly. We keep showing up because God’s goodness, His holy presence is not equivalent to our comfort.
Part of our faith is believing even when life is hard. A huge part of believing in God is not connecting our belief to our circumstances. I follow a family on Instagram who has literally been put through hell on earth this past year. Their story has garnered a lot of attention. With any Instagram following, some of that attention is negative. One thing they said was that they would not allow their pain and anguish be a reason for disbelief.
I couldn’t have said it any better. Jesus tells us in the Book of John that we will experience hardships. He doesn’t try to hide it. He doesn’t avoid the realities of living our lives. He follows it up, however, with a promise; the one promise you can hold onto when life goes south.
Take heart!
John 16:33
God’s presence is not tied to our comfort. He is there no matter what life throws at us. Our comfort is in Jesus not life. Our rest is found in God’s holy presence that is promised to us in John 16:33. He has overcome. He is victories even when we feel defeated.
So, the next time bad things happen, because they will happen, take heart. He has overcome the world.
Love & Blessings,