We Trust

“Trust in him at all times, oh people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8
Scott asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. Since we’ve got nothing going on right now, I happily complied. I had no idea that the movie he’d choose would be a tear-jerker.
The movie was called, Greater, and it was about an underdog and football. I will let you watch the movie to find out what happens but, I want to share one thing that struck me at the core.
After a botched play, the quarterback came to the main character on the field and complained. He was mad at the coaches for calling an unsuccessful play. The main character told the quarterback that they needed to listen to their coaches. He reminded him that they could only see what was happening right in front of them. The coaches, however, sat up high in a box giving them the vantage point of seeing the entire field.
We Trust.
We can only see what is right in front of us. But God. God is sitting high and can see the entire field of play. He sees all the pieces. He knows where they need to go. We, in our limited view, think we know the whole story. We feel like we know how this game should be played. But, we can’t see.
One thing I know for sure, something I can stand on and not be shaken, is God. Even in the hard times, He is still trustworthy. Even when the play doesn’t go the way I think it should, He is still trustworthy. He sees the entire field. I can only see the play in front of me.
What do we do when our world feels like it’s been turned upside down? We trust. What do we do when we don’t have answers? We trust. What do we do when we feel like hope is lost? We trust.
You and I, we can’t see the entire field. We don’t have all the answers. We can’t answer all the questions. What we can do, however, is trust.
Love & Blessings,