Who Can Save Us

Who Can Save Us

We all want this to end. I don’t care what you believe, who you believe, or what your “truth” is right now. We all are waiting for something, anything, to save us from this madness.

Who/what will save us.

We are reaching, grabbing, chasing anything and everything that might bring us a smidgen of comfort. Every day we whisper under our breath, “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” And then we reach for all the things that make us feel better, feel more in control, or feel the slightest bit normal.

Can I be frank? None of the things you are reaching for will save you.

There’s only one Savior.

Information can’t save you.
Comfort can’t save you.
Normalcy can’t save you.
You can’t save you.
Leaders can’t save you.
Money can’t save you.
Health can’t save you.

What a relief it is to know that none of that can save you. Because the One who actually can save you is SO much better.


I’ll keep this one short and simple. All the things we think will save us, all the things we reach for to bring us some small bit of comfort are fleeting. They slip through our fingers like sand. Press into the One who can save. You have a Savior. I promise He is better then anything you are reaching for.

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6