What Are We Watering?

What Are We Watering?

Our souls?
Or are we watering down our faith?

There’s a lot of talk about “threshing wheat” in the Old Testament. The act of threshing wheat was to remove the grain from the stalk: separate the valuable part from the worthless. I feel this happening on multiple levels in all our lives right now. There is a sifting. Even the Church.

Threshing wheat was not easy. Removing the edible part of the wheat from the non-edible piece is laborious. Threshing is often used symbolically as a symbol of God’s judgment: an opportunity to see who truly believes God’s Word and who doesn’t.

I am learning that we have stopped watering our souls and started watering down Christianity. It didn’t happen all at once. But, little by little, we have watered down the authority, power, and grace of the Word of God. It happened so gradually, we didn’t even realize it was happening. We’ve moved farther from the Truth and closer to comfort.


We are watering the wrong thing. And God is putting us through the threshing process to rid us of the useless pieces we have gathered.

We have an opportunity right now, an opportunity like never before, to take back our souls from the Deceiver, and fill them with the valuable wheat of Scripture. It is time we let go of our Christian comforts and press into the grace that Jesus provides. It is only in this space that we truly find comfort, peace, and rest.

Threshing is happening right now whether you see it or not. God is sifting the Church in a mighty way. What will remain? The valuable. The remains will lead us to Jesus. And if they don’t, they will land on the floor discarded.

Let’s stop watering our comforts and start watering our souls.


“Behold, I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge with double edges;
You will thresh the mountains and pulverize them,
And will make the hills like chaff.” Isaiah 41:15