You’ve Changed

You’ve Changed

You know what most people don’t like? Change. They say they like it. Some may claim they thrive in change. But honestly, most of us don’t like change. We like structure. We like to know what comes next. We need to know what comes next. We are creatures of comfort. So, when you begin to change, all of a sudden the people around you don’t know what to do with you.

One of my favorite compliments these days is, “You’ve changed.” I used to hate change. Now, I welcome it. Change (hopefully) means growth in me. I don’t want to stay the same. I want to learn and grow and not dig in. Dig in. Seems a lot of us are digging in. When change approaches, we stop looking. We run and hide so change can no longer find us. We form our opinions, thoughts, and beliefs and find those agreeable to build our narrative. I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to see this world on a grander scale no longer looking through the peep hole, but seeing down the entire walk.

Maybe if we were more open to change, we’d be more open to hear.

Maybe if we were more open to change, we’d experience more peace.

Maybe if we were open to change, we’d see more of Jesus in our lives.

The messy intersection of life and faith looks like change. We should be on a constant journey of change. Our goal as Christians is to become more like Jesus each day. If that is the case, if that is what we want, then we should be in a constant state of change.

We’ve dug in. Change makes us uncomfortable and, let’s be real, we like comfort. It’s the American way…comfort. Let’s buck the system. Let’s break the rules. Let’s step into feeling a little uncomfortable and do the work of change. Your life, and mine, will grow and flourish. And maybe we will finally get to experience what Jesus talked about in John 10:10 where he says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Love You.

Mean It.
