Who Am I?
I started watching two of my favorite designers begin their renovation on a new space. I was instantly inspired. My brain started churning thinking of ideas. How could I do what they were doing but on a smaller scale? I literally wanted to jump off of my couch and into their shoes. I wanted to be beside them scheming and planning designing the beautiful space.
Has that ever happened to you? You are scrolling Tik Tok, Instagram, or Pinterest and all of a sudden you desire to be transported to their space doing their thing? You forget for a moment (or maybe longer) that you and your space are just as dynamic. You don’t remember that you, too, are creative in your own beautiful way. You also inspire others, even if you don’t know it. Yet, you see them doing your thing and you want it. I had to remember who I am. I snapped out of my wanting to be them doing their thing and remembered that me and my thing are just as tremendous even if it’s not televised.
We spend an awful lot of time getting caught up in other people’s lives. We get sucked into their stories on social media and reality TV forgetting that our reality is just as beautiful. Instead of using these things as tools to inspire, we forget who we are and get lost in wanting their life. When we put the phone down, turn off the TV, and look around, we are reminded that our very own lives are a creative masterpiece.
I had to remind myself of who I am in that moment. The things I bring to this world and the people around me are just as inspirational and encouraging as those I see as I scroll. Your life and mine has just as much value and meaning as theirs. We just have to live it. Sometimes we miss opportunities to express ourselves in the fullness and richness of life because we are too distracted by theirs. What would happen if we started living fully in our own space?
My niece recently told me she is going to take next year off of social media. It’s not necessarily a problem for her. But, it is a distraction: a distraction from living her actual life. She wonders what she’s maybe missed because she was too busy watching Tik Tok and not looking up. I often wonder that, too. What did I miss doing because I was too busy watching her do it?
Here’s to our living our own beautiful, mundane, boring, creative lives! Here’s to mess ups and mistakes; to learning something new and excelling. Here’s to being exactly who we are today knowing that a year from now, we will most likely be a different version of ourselves. Here’s to us enjoying this age and stage and being fulfilled and content. Here’s to living.
Love you.
Mean it.