Tag: broken

Who Am I

Who Am I

We don’t have to pick up all our broken pieces in order to put ourselves back together. We can leave some on the floor.

Take Me To Church

Take Me To Church

I was sitting at Starbucks typing away and doing some research when a party of four sat down next to me. It was crowded and the tables were close. The two couples chatted about general life stuff for the first ten minutes or so. Yes, 

It’s a Hard-Knock Life

It’s a Hard-Knock Life

Life is hard sometimes, isn’t it? If we aren’t facing challenges in our personal lives, we witness hardships in others’ lives.


Financial Distress








Marital strife

Broken Relationships

There’s my list. These are things that feel broken; that make me feel lost and unworthy. If I’m not careful, they will own me. This list will be the author of my story if I let it in. And let me be clear, it will come in. This list will beat the door in and take over.

If I let it.

It’s easy for me to get wrapped up in the hard. I find myself resting in the difficult finding comfort where there is none. When goodness shines its light into my life, it can be difficult to grasp. Like a sunbeam shining through the window, I cannot grab hold of the light. It slips right through my fingers.

I can’t grasp the goodness because I lack belief: believing that God wants to and will do good things in and through my life. I get comfortable in my distress. I choose to stand on the edge of the cliff at all times waiting to fall into the trench not realizing that not every good things ushers in a bad thing in the next season.

Accepting blessings, allowing life to truly be good, can be hard for me. I remember the hard all too often and forget the redemption and the RedeemerGod desires to bless me and you. He doesn’t want us to sit in our difficult times. He mourns right alongside us when our hearts are broken. He is eager to see our healing. Why then, is it so hard to get to the other side and receive His goodness?




When we live in the hard, we deny His grace. When we live in a constant state of panic and crisis, we deny His power. Yes, this life surly can be hard. Difficulties will come. James chapter one talks all about the trials of this life. However, the Bible is full of redemption, grace, and new beginnings. We get laser-focused on the hard and lose sight of the good relinquishing power to our trauma instead of our Healer. We steal His glory and make it our own, shining a light on our hardships instead of His goodness. 

We need to allow God to get us from destruction to healing. His power must infiltrate our lives opening our hearts to a life fulfilled not condemned. God never intended for you and I to live in constant crisis. There is no power, control, or comfort in this space. Instead, fear resides here. Don’t let it take over.

There is power in the name of Jesus. Let that power run through your veins. Let the light bring warmth to your face. Feel it. Live it. Heal from it.

Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praiseJeremiah 17:14

Love & Blessings,


Flashback Friday: Tattered Pieces

Flashback Friday: Tattered Pieces

One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, “Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!” But the other answered, and rebuking him said, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of