Tag: church

Why Homosexuality is Good for the Church

Why Homosexuality is Good for the Church

I want to take a bull horn into every congregation and tell everyone that it is okay to stop being silent. It’s okay to step into difficult conversations. It’s okay to dig deeper into what you believe. It’s okay to listen. It’s okay to love. Loving others isn’t scary. It doesn’t say that you affirm every single thing they do. It says you care. It shows you value their humanity. That’s Jesus.

Battered & Bruised: Christianity & Legalism

Battered & Bruised: Christianity & Legalism

“We are all just doing the best we can moving along the road of faith. We were never meant to do all the things on the list. If we were capable of that, we’d have no need for him.”

Olive Branch

Olive Branch

“When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth.” Genesis 8:11

You don’t need to be a Bible scholar or even a Christian to know the story of Noah. Some people were making poor choices and living life according to their desires. Noah begged God to give these people a chance, so He did; time-after-time again-and-again. The people didn’t change so God sent a flood. Noah built the ark when there was no rain or need for a gigantic boat. The earth flooded and Noah, his family, and all the animals (Even the snakes and mosquitoes. Why, God?). Every once in awhile, Noah would send a dove out to see if there was dry land. Finally, the dove returned with an olive branch.

The olive branch symbolizes peace, hope, and renewal. When the dove returned with the branch, Noah knew the flood was over and a new life was about to begin.

When we talk about the Church, I think of the olive branch. The Church isn’t a building or a place we attend. It is not something that only serves us and our needs. We are the Church. You and me. And the olive branch? That’s our ministry.

The problem with the Church is that it is filled with people. People are messy. Life happens and hurts occur. Most of us want retribution and accountability. We want those that hurt us to be held responsible for what they have done to us. Yet, we were created to be the olive branch.

Who is trying to give you an olive branch that you have denied? Who is trying to bring peace back to your relationship but you are waiting for them to pay their penalty? Who do you need to give an olive branch to? You need to relinquish the desire for payment and usher in peace. We do so by accepting or handing over the olive branch.

You see, the Church isn’t a place. It isn’t a building. It’s not something that solely gives to us and fills our needs. The Church is you and me in action giving love and grace at all times; especially when it is undeserved.

The olive branch symbolizes the Church: hope when all hope seems lost. It is a symbol of new beginnings and fresh starts. The olive branch shows love and mercy even when they are totally undeserved.

We search and search for the right church. We run from the church because there are too many hurts in that space. What we don’t realize is that the church is made up of people. That we are the Church and the olive branch is our gift.

Relinquish the desire for punishment. Let go of the need for others to be held accountable before you can love them again. Be the olive branch and you will be the Church.

Love & Blessings,


Church and the Table

Church and the Table

I pinned plans and pictures of farmhouse tables to my Pinterest board. It was time for us to get a new table and I had the perfect one pictured in my head. The table we had was getting a little small and a little worn 

Take Me To Church

Take Me To Church

I was sitting at Starbucks typing away and doing some research when a party of four sat down next to me. It was crowded and the tables were close. The two couples chatted about general life stuff for the first ten minutes or so. Yes, 



There’s some rumbling. Do you feel it? A sense of a change in the landscape. A rising. A rumble.


Women around the globe are stepping up and stepping into the conversation. She is strong. She is fierce. And she is not going anywhere.

This women sits on every side. She does not live in fear but is empowered by it. She is brave and moves even when she is afraid. Her voice is loud, strong, and cannot be ignored.


Women are rising.

What are we going to do about it?

Because there is a to-do list. We are women, for goodness sake. There’s always a list.

Women are rising, speaking up, and speaking out. We have found our voice and we are not backing down from using it. My question to you is…

What are YOU going to do about it?

Women of the church, what are you going to do about it?

We have strong, courageous, beautiful women speaking out in this world. How are we going to steward them well as the church? Can you imagine if the women of the world and the women of the world linked arms and united for Jesus? Oh, how mountains would crumble!

We have a call. Us women. We are called to such a time as this (Esther 4:14). There is a rumble in this world; in the church. That rumble is the unification of women. We have the responsibility to steward this platform well. If we do, this world will change. I absolutely know it.

This call isn’t to take over men. It isn’t to take over every top position in every corporation. It isn’t to demean others for our gain.

It is an opportunity to show this world

What it means to love.

What true unity looks like.

What it means to encourage one another and build each other up.

What it means to empower one another.

What it looks like to propel their comrade to success.

What cheering your competition on looks like.

What it means to be both powerful and humble all at the same time.

We have an opportunity, women. We are meant for this time. We have been given the opportunity to unify for a great purpose and cause.

What are we going to do about it?

When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai,  he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:12-14

Now is our time.

We were born for this.

Are you ready?

Let’s rumble. 

Love & Blessings,


Get Out of the Way

Get Out of the Way

Are we getting in the way of the Church? If you study any type of church history, you will find that it is and has always been messy. People are involved. People are complicated. If people are complicated and people are what make up the 

Take Me To Church: Flashback Friday

Take Me To Church: Flashback Friday

I was sitting at Starbucks typing away and doing some research when a party of four sat down next to me. It was crowded and the tables were close. The two couples chatted about general life stuff for the first ten minutes or so. Yes,