Tag: Ephesians



I ran into a friend in the shaving cream aisle at Target. We hadn’t seen each other in quite some time and started to catch up. She was overwhelmingly exhausted due to motherhood. I, being on the other side of motherhood, was able to tell 



I saw a post that contained some awful news. It was one of those things where you want to shake your fist at God so angry at how unfair the news is. It didn’t make sense and it didn’t seem right. Inexplicable. When I read 



I was listening to a podcast the other day and the girl was sharing her life story. Her story was one of redemption. If someone looked at her life today, they would assume she was living the good life. What they wouldn’t see is the mountains she had to climb to get to this place.

Her story, like many of us, included a dark season. There was a moment in her life when she made the decision to have an abortion. Don’t stop reading. This isn’t a pro-life vs. pro-choice debate blog. This is a story of how we can love better.

In order to enter the abortion clinic, she had to walk past protesters. People lined the sidewalk in front of the clinic spewing all kinds of hate and nasty comments. They even attacked her car as she drove in. The protesters did not deter her from walking into the clinic and following through with the abortion. If anything, they pushed her deeper into that decision than changed her mind. Their hate-filled speech even propelled her roommate who drove her to the clinic to apply for a job there. She didn’t want other women to feel the way her friend did so she decided getting a job there would allow her to be a source of peace and comfort in such a tumultuous time.

I am all for protesting. We all have a voice and we all have a right to share that voice. But, I wonder how many of us are using our voice for good; for the betterment of others. I can’t believe shouting horrific things at another human being would do anything to change their mind. I often tell my boys: God gave us emotions. He wants us to feel. It is how we react to and express those emotions that matter. Same with our speech. We can either help or hinder the situation. The choice is ours.

I am studying the book of Ephesians. Paul is talking to the Ephesians about Jesus. In chapter 2, Paul talks about the division between the Jews and Gentiles (non-believers). These two people groups had a huge wall built between them. They did not mingle. They did not hang out. They did not like each other. They were vastly different. Then Jesus came onto the scene.

Jesus unified two people groups that never thought they’d cross the border onto each others’ sides. He unified those that were once divided. He brought peace and reconciliation where it never seemed possible. He took up their quarrels and brought them to an end.

When I think about this one girl’s story and read about how Jesus reconciled the Jews and the Gentiles to one another, I wonder why we are doing it so wrong. Why do we think shouting hate will change someone’s mind? Why we think our platform resides in hurtful messages.

I honestly believe that if Jesus were standing outside the abortion clinic, He would have walked up to this beautiful girl and given her a hug. I also believe that He would have walked her to her car after she went through with it. He didn’t come to divide and shout hateful messages. He came to love and give grace. We should, too.

For he himself is our peace; who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier. The dividing wall of hostility. Ephesians 2:14

Love & Blessings,


Take Me To Church

Take Me To Church

I was sitting at Starbucks typing away and doing some research when a party of four sat down next to me. It was crowded and the tables were close. The two couples chatted about general life stuff for the first ten minutes or so. Yes, 

Step Back

Step Back

I like to lament. I like calling it “lamenting” because it sounds a lot better than whining. David lamented in the Psalms and is known as, “a man after God’s own heart.” So, I will stick with lamenting rather than whining. Bear with me. I 

Cannon ball

Cannon ball

I love celebrating my friends’ successes. I get so excited when I go on Instagram or Facebook and see them thriving in their dream or that step they took based completely on faith. It’s fun and I love jumping for joy for them. I know the blood, sweat, and tears they have put into that dream. I understand the nerves and fears that come with every step. I am proud of them for stepping out and encouraged by them in my own journey.

When I decided to step out on this journey of writing and building a community, I went all in. I didn’t test the waters before I did a canon ball. I just dove right in. And I am glad I did. Of course, I have learned much along the way. If I hadn’t done a canon ball without hesitation, I may never have jumped in.

I have witnessed two types of people this year. I guess my senses are heightened because I have made a leap of faith myself, so I notice more. It’s like when you buy a red car and all you see are red cars on the road. What I have witnessed is that there are two types of people: the person who moves even when they’re afraid not knowing what’s next and the person who sits on the sidelines paralyzed watching life zoom by.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

I watched a friend switch jobs and switch schools for her children this year. She stepped into brand new territory not knowing what the future would hold for her and her kids, yet fully confident that this was the path where God was calling them. She had concerns. She was nervous. She knew there was work and challenges ahead. Yet, she moved anyway. She didn’t let fear, questions, and doubt stop her. Halfway through the year, and all of them are thriving. Has everything been sunshine and lollipops? Absolutely not. She has had to rely on God more than ever before and you know what she told me? She has never been this at peace about something. All I could think when I heard that was, “See what God can and will do when we are willing to step out?”

I have watched another friend take a hobby and made it a career. This woman is absolutely flourishing in her endeavor. She has worked and worked and dedicated herself to learning and growing herself and her business. I have the privilege to witness how her hard work and dedication has completely paid off and how God is blessing her beyond anything she could ever have imagined.

There is one more friend I have that has yet to make that jump. She’s seems afraid of the water. Maybe it’ll be too cold. What if she sinks? What if the current is too strong and wears her to the bone? My heart aches for her. She sits on the sidelines and sees others moving and thriving and growing in their dreams and goals thinking that isn’t for her or that God just hasn’t blessed her in this area. But, it is and He is waiting to bless her. She just has to do her canon ball.

Where do you find yourself? Are you the all-in gal? You are ready to make the biggest splash with that cannon ball?Nothing can stop you. You are scared, but you are going to jump anyway. You don’t know what’s next, but you are ready. One step at a time. One foot in front of the other.

Or, are you the girl watching everyone jump while you are stuck on the side of the pool? You have determined that God must be blessing them and faithful to them to bring their dreams to life but, you are not that deserving. Have have some encouragement for you: you are. You just have to jump.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20

God has great plans for you. He desires to do things in your life that exceed anything you could ever imagine. You just have to jump. You have to take that step without knowing what the next step is. You have to do the work in order to see His hand weaving through your dreams as they come to life.

You just have to jump.

God is waiting for you to do a canon ball so he can blow you away. What are you waiting for?

Love & Blessings,



Take Me To Church: Flashback Friday

Take Me To Church: Flashback Friday

I was sitting at Starbucks typing away and doing some research when a party of four sat down next to me. It was crowded and the tables were close. The two couples chatted about general life stuff for the first ten minutes or so. Yes,