Tag: faith

Top 10 for Mama’s

Top 10 for Mama’s

Being a mom is the greatest gift. It can also be the most difficult task you’ve ever faced. From joy to frustration, excitement to panic, pride to worry, motherhood brings so many emotions. I watched some mama’s send their kids off to a weekend away. 

Faith Funk

Faith Funk

Ever been in a funk? Everything in life is fine. You are chugging along nicely. Kids are doing well. Family is in good standings. Your job is moving in the right direction. But, something doesn’t feel right. You can’t pinpoint exactly what is going on. 



Faith and choices. It’s messy. We need help. Lots of help. We need to know how to forgive ourselves of past choices while preparing our hearts for future ones.


When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

What do you say?

How do you view yourself?

Are you complimentary?

Are you self-deprecating?

Do you struggle with guilt?

What is the chatter in your head?

Psalm 103:11-13

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His loving devotion for those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him…”

He has taken your sin, my sin, all our bad choices and removed them as far as the east is from the west. Nothing for you to do but accept this incomprehensible love. His love is reckless. It is so reckless that he loves you regardless of what you did yesterday, what you do today, or what you will do tomorrow.

You have a choice to make…

Are you willing and open to accept that kind of love, that reckless love, knowing you will disappoint Him again some day?

We tend you confuse God’s love. We have decided that because we mess up, we are unlovable. What we don’t realize is that while sin separates us from God, His love never ends for us.

Romans 5:8

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Me, Myself, and I

Redemption is upside down from our thinking. We usually want to change and make ourselves better before being forgiven and redeemed. But, God tells us that we are loved and forgiven before we change. That is His reckless love for us.

I think of the thief on the cross (,The Thief) the woman at the well The Woman at the Well) and the woman about to be stoned The Adulterous Woman). All three found themselves in the presence of Jesus when their lives were not up to par. Each had an experience with Him where they experienced His reckless love. While he told both women to no longer sin, he loved all of them regardless of their past transgressions. What propelled them to change was His love; a love so reckless that it was offered before any change occurred. That same love is available to you. All you have to do is acknowledge and accept it.


I believe that how we view ourselves, the honest-to-goodness truth about how we see ourselves can be found in how we view others. What are the first thoughts that come to mind when others do wrong?

How do you treat others when they mess up?

Do you hang them leaving no room for redemption, grace, and change?

We live in a “hang them” world right now. There is no retribution. No redemption. No opportunity for change, healing, and growth. Only forever condemnation.

Romans 8:8

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

There should be no condemnation, yet we are a people who condemn and park in this space.  If we aren’t the ones carrying the pitch forks, we become righteous filled with thoughts of, I would never do that. We end up stuffing and hiding our own sin carrying a weight we were never intended to carry.

The way we treat others when they mess up is the way we treat ourselves when we mess up. We either hang ourselves and sit in a state of self-pity or we act righteous stuffing our junk way down deep feeling heavy and exhausted.  How we treat others when they do wrong matters. 

It matters because it is a true reflection of how we treat ourselves when we do wrong.

Letting Go & Moving On

If we know that His love for us is reckless…

If we know He buries our sin as far as the east is from the west…

If we know there is nothing we can do to separate us from His love…

Then we need to run towards it. Run towards His love when life is good and you are following all the rules. Run towards it when life is hard and we can’t seem to make a good choice if our life depended on it. Run towards it when we fall flat on our face and don’t want to look ourselves in the eye.

His love is the starting place for any decision we make. His love and lack of condemnation is what helps you heal and forgive yourself from past mistakes. His love is what drives and lack of condemnation is what drives your decisions going forward. He didn’t condemn the thief on the cross, the woman at the well, or the adulterous woman. He didn’t wag His finger at them, slam them on social media, or sit on a panel as a talking head on a cable news show. Instead, He opened His arms and invited them in to the greatest love of all: Jesus. He does the same for you and me.

There is no condemnation in Christ. None. There is nothing you can do to separate yourself from His love. Nothing.

Run towards His love.

Romans 8: 35-39

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Love & Blessings,


Rooted in Faith so Self-Care Becomes the Norm

Rooted in Faith so Self-Care Becomes the Norm

Self-Care. A 2018 buzz word. We all know taking care of ourselves is important; a necessity. No one can work from a depleted spirit. We are all searching. Searching for rest. A break from the busy. A break from the news. A moment to relax 

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Cultural Christianity

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Cultural Christianity

I think there is one thing we can all agree on politically: the United States has been nothing short of wonky in the political arena in the last few years. We have fallen off our rocker. Am I right? Don’t worry. This is not a 

In-n-Out, Kaepernick, & Satan

In-n-Out, Kaepernick, & Satan

The title sounds like the start of a joke: Satan and Kaepernick walk into In-n-Out. Ha. I won’t go there. But, I am going to talk about these three.

I woke up in the middle of the night the other day. I instantly began thinking about all kinds of crazy things. Why does that happen? It’s 2am and all of a sudden your mind wants to be productive. But, at 2pm you can’t get your brain to remember why you walked into a certain room. Ugh. So frustrating.

Anyway, I was thinking about us as a people; the whole world. I was taking inventory of us and I had a vision. I saw myself standing on a busy street corner in NYC. The shot was like a camera was looking down on me from a drone. There I was, clear as day. Everything around me, however, was speeding by. So-much-so, that the cars and people looked like blurred lights like one would see in a photograph. There I stood with everyone zooming by. No one had any idea that they were moving so fast and I was standing still. They were all so focused on their lives and their offenses that they wouldn’t see me if they ran right into me.

This is how I see the world.

We are all moving at lightning pace that we cannot see what is standing right in front of us. 

Every week brings forth a new offense. It doesn’t matter what side of the fence you are on or what you believe or don’t believe. If you wait long enough, something is going to come around to entice you to be offended.

We know this is true. We fully understand that our culture and our world operates this way. We are appalled by it, yet participate in it. It’s like a drug that we desperately want to rid ourselves of but are so addicted we don’t know how. 

How do we live a life unoffended?

Satan has us in his grip. As I stood there so still while everyone passed me by, I saw it. I witnessed his hold on us. And we don’t even know it. We are so distracted with our offenses that we have completely lost sight of the battle. Our battlefield does not reside in the latest offense. Our battle is found in the unseen. We are fighting the wrong war and we don’t even see it.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

We are fighting each other when we should be fighting him. The root of our issues isn’t about who contributor what to which campaign, who signed the latest ad campaign, or what establishment has non-gender descriptive bathrooms. The origin is the heart. 

We are not going to accomplish anything by burning shoes or telling others they are damned to hell if they eat a burger. Our victory lies in love. 

But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Finally two came forward and declared, “This fellow said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.’ Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, ‘Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?’ But Jesus remained silent.” Matthew 26:60-63a

If anyone can be offended, it is Jesus. I believe His silence in this moment speaks VOLUMES. Sometimes, our lack for words speaks louder than anything we can shout.

Jesus was brought before the “court” and put on trial for crimes he did not commit. I put the word, court, in parenthesis because this was not your traditional court setting. This was an ad hoc gathering. People came together for this specific moment rather than the typical Sanhedrin with strict guidelines on how to function. There were false witnesses and false accusations. Yet, Jesus remained silent.

Oh, how that silence changed the world. The only thing Jesus spoke during this time was a promise.

‘The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” “You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”’ Matthew 26: 63b-65

What would happen if we responded to our offenses in silence?

What would change if we responded with a promises instead of an indignant heart?

What if we went in and ate that burger and paid for someone else’s meal without them knowing? Or, we walked into that coffee shop even though they did something we didn’t agree with and we were kind to it’s employees? How would the culture of our world change if we shopped at that store and smiled at the person who used the “wrong” bathroom making them feel seen and valued and not like an animal? How would your circle differ if you listened more than you spoke?

Jesus was silent and that spoke volumes.

I will leave you with one last story. I was at an establishment that has come under fire in the past few years. I was drinking coffee from another company that has come under fire a few times. The woman in front of me in the checkout line scanned her card after the checker took almost 10 minutes to ring her up. Her card was denied. She made a phone call that took about 5 minutes. She began handing items back to the checker to take them off her receipt. The total kept coming down but it wasn’t enough. This wasn’t food she was purchasing. It was clothes. She finally asked the clerk to void the transaction (after she had taken off about six items typing in each skew number) and start all over. The whole process probably took about 30 minutes. I had to go to the bathroom and, like all of us, had 8500 other things I needed to do before the boys got home.

I could have been angry. I could have rightfully been frustrated. I could have started my shopping experience mad at this big box store for even tinkering with the idea of changing its bathroom schematic. I could have been peeved from the get-go that they allowed a coffee place that offended all kinds of people still operate there. My whole attitude could have sucked (excuse my language) and many of you would have called that justified. But I didn’t. I made a decision to not live offended and I do not regret it one bit.


I saw a girl who was probably mortified that she couldn’t afford what was on the belt.

I laughed with a checker who most likely felt the pressure of that situation and was waiting for me to tear her head off because somehow it was her fault.

I entered a store that needs Christians to be present so that there is light shining in the darkness.

I myself to sip coffee from an establishment that is quick to accept responsibility for it’s wrongs.

Look, y’all, my salvation is secure. I know that I will not get kicked out of Heaven because of the brand of shoes I wear. Our focus is misplaced and it is time we recognize this. 

It isn’t me on that busy NYC corner with everything and everyone buzzing by. It is Jesus. He is standing there waiting for us to fix our gaze on Him instead of everything else. Are you willing to stop?

There is a time to speak up and fight injustice. There is also a time to remain silent. Jesus’ silence during his “trial” (we all know it wasn’t really a trial) should rattle us to our core. It should remind us to trust Him when injustice is served and hope seems lost. It should remind us to know that He is still in control even when this world seems to have gone off the rails. It should also remind us that we should always ALWAYS be pointing people to the Promise not the accusation. 

Don’t let Satan grab you. Don’t let him turn you head away from the real focus. He’s got us and he is not going to let go until you decide to slap his hand away.

Remind people of the Promise, not the accusation. 

Love & Blessings,


Image vs. Character

Image vs. Character

Like most moms, I am in my car driving a lot. What is it about motherhood resembling an Uber driver? What I’ve noticed more frequently in my carpool adventures are an abundance of Teslas and Maseratis. I don’t know what’s changed to make those two 



Flashback Friday Walls What is holding you up? Where does your foundation lie? I was sitting on my bed admiring the TV that hung on the wall. I have wanted our TVs hung since we moved into this house. I have three boys and visions 



You know when you watch a movie there is always a moment when you think the heroin isn’t going to make it: the climax. It’s usually tense. The bad guy seems like he’s going to win. The good guy isn’t going to make it. I feel like this is my life. If I had to make a movie of our summer “adventure”, there would definitely be a climax in the middle.

We have gone through construction numerous times in the last five years. We built our house, built out our backyard, finished our downstairs with wood floors twice, and now we have renovated our home. Construction is always tense. Always.

As I was laying on my bed staring at a new hole in our ceiling, I thought about that climax. About a week ago, I didn’t think I was going to make it. We were climbing our construction mountain making progress when another toilet overflowed (a toilet overflow is the reason we’ve had to reconstruct our house). Not only were we dealing with more water, I received a text from a friend asking for prayer. Her friend had just gone through something so horrendous I honestly don’t know if I would survive it if I were her. On top of that, I got word that a Christian author and speaker who was a huge part of the writing conference I am a part of suddenly passed away at 38 years old leaving behind a husband and four young daughters. Have you ever heard that lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice? Well, in that moment, I felt like the lightning was striking me over and over again.

I sat at the kitchen table (one of the two options of seating in our home right now), interrupted my husband, told him to prepare himself for my crazy, and let go. The tears came out so fiercely I couldn’t breath. It was all just too much. Too much death. Too much water. Too much. I didn’t think I was going to make it.

So, there I lay on my mattress on the floor watching our project manager make yet another hole in my ceiling. I saw the look on my husband’s face when I got home that day and he told me he had something to show me and I knew it wasn’t good. More water. More leaking. More drywall coming out. I had a choice in that moment: sink or swim (no pun intended).

I swam.

You see, I had made it through that moment in my movie when I didn’t think I would. The tension came and I defeated the bad guys. I survived all my wounds and made it through. I was still standing. So, when water tried to torment us yet again, I knew we’d make it. I knew this stress would not be wasted.

I am currently studying the Book of Ephesians. In this book, Paul talks a lot about his suffering and imprisonment. He, too, was the hero who you’d think wouldn’t make it. But he did. Not only did Paul make it through his toughest moments, he did it so gracefully that he changed the landscape of Christianity forever. He took what was supposed to take him down and turned it into the most glorious legacy ever.

Paul knew that his suffering would lead others to know his Savior. He understood that his misery and distress wasn’t going to be wasted. He also knew that he had a choice: sink or swim. And he swam.

You, my friend, will make it through your climax. You will climb your mountain and make it to the other side. Your suffering will not be wasted. He is not punishing you. He is not mad at you. Life is just hard sometimes. That’s part of what creates our need for a Savior.

So, the next time you are laying on your mattress on the floor staring at another hole in your ceiling like me, lay there with confidence knowing that you will make it to the other side.

 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phillipians 1:6

Love & Blessings,




God is sovereign.  Us Christians like this expression even though most of us cannot define what it means. When good things happen we proclaim, “God is sovereign.” But, what does that mean exactly? Dictionary.com holds the meaning of sovereign as follows: noun a supreme ruler,