Tag: God



I ran into a friend in the shaving cream aisle at Target. We hadn’t seen each other in quite some time and started to catch up. She was overwhelmingly exhausted due to motherhood. I, being on the other side of motherhood, was able to tell 

Equality DOES NOT = Same

Equality DOES NOT = Same

I am afraid we have confused equality with sameness. While we were created equally, we were never meant to be the same.



I have a word. A couple of years ago, I jumped on the word-of-the-year bandwagon. Just like the colored jeans and booties trends, it took me awhile to catch on. What can I say? I tend to be a stubborn rebel unwilling to immediately accept the fads of the day. I will say, that once I accepted the word challenge, I was all-in.

My word for 2018 was, “expectant.” I started a new journey chasing after a dream I’d been talking about for a loooooooong time. The word,  expectant,  came as I said, “yes”. The moment I stepped into the reality of taking my dream to a goal, I became expectant; expectant of what the Lord was going to do. I mean, he called me into this place. Surely, I could expect great things from him.

As 2018 was coming to a close, I revisited my word a few times. If I’m being honest, it stung. I had high expectations and most went unfulfilled. Yes, exciting and wonderful things happened throughout 2018. I learned so much, grew more than I have in a very long time, and was given incredible opportunities. However, my ministry didn’t blow up like I had imagined. It didn’t grow as quickly as I desired. I was expectant, and, if I am being frank, 2018 did not meet my expectations.


I expected.

My expectations.

Ouch. Once I started processing my disappointments, I realized why I was disappointed; why it didn’t seem that God met my word for the year. I created the expectations. I decided what this year would look like and told God, “Here’s what I got. Now make it happen.” 

Ever been there? Ever tell God your expectations; given him the script and told him to make it work? 

Once I realized what I had done, I prayed. I knew I needed to have a chat with God about my control issues. After admitting my wrong-doing, I asked God to show me where he exceeded my expectations; where he fulfilled the dreams in my heart. Do you know what I found? A year full of gifts. 

I believe God gives us words. I believe he speaks to everyone in the way they need to hear. I absolutely believe my word, expectant, was from him. It was my gift from him for the new year. What I did with that word, however, was on me not him. He gave me a year that went above and beyond my expectations. I was just blind to it because I manipulated my word.  

Do you have a word for 2019? I do. I actually have a word and a phrase…I think. When you find your word, lay it down. It is time we surrender our words. He gives them to us as a gift. When we lay it down, we get to open that gift with each new day. Don’t underestimate God by trying to control your word. Don’t limit the possibilities of your word by trying to write the rest of the narrative. Find your word. And lay it down. 

LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps. Jeremiah 10:23

Love & Blessings,


FAMILY SERIES: The Family You Choose

FAMILY SERIES: The Family You Choose

The Family Series: In light of the holiday season, I thought it would benefit all of us if we went through a little family series. We all find ourselves spending a little more time with family members we may avoid throughout the year. What better 

Pending Perfection

Pending Perfection

I wrote this blog post awhile back. When I reread it I thought it was timely. We are engrossed in the holiday season. We are all chasing something right now. Chasing busy. Chasing the perfect gift. Chasing the perfect meal on the perfectly set table. 

Nope. He sure didn’t.

Nope. He sure didn’t.

God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17

God did not come down to JUDGE the world. He came down to LOVE the world.

God. He’s a tough one to figure out. The Bible seems so black and white. Yet, it doesn’t. The gray space can be overwhelming. We poke and prod and study and discuss. But God. God still seems so inexplicable at times. The world goes against His very nature. Our culture and the way we treat one another does not mirror what we read. We know we live in a fallen and broken world. We also know that God is big enough to fix it and make everything better. But sometimes, a lot of times, He doesn’t. And we don’t understand.

Gray space.

Somehow, someway, we have muddied the waters. No longer is the lake of faith crystal clear. We can’t see to the bottom. We can barely see what rises to the top. Our faith is jumbled and blurred. We’ve flipped the narrative. His narrative. Somehow, over the expanse of time we’ve gone from love to judge. We’ve lost sight of God’s truest intent and character and replaced it with our own ideas and agenda.

In our minds we believe God is full of judgement first and love second.

Oh, man, do we have it all wrong.

Here’s what I know about the God I adore. He set out to love us. He was intentional with his relationship with Adam and Eve in the garden. He walked with them, talked with them, and lived life with them. They were His people; His tribe. He loved them. He loved them so much. His heart was shattered the moment they stepped away from Him. He was saddened and disappointed. But, here’s what else I know: His love never left even when Adam and Eve hid from Him. He loved them first and foremost; always and forever. Even when they wronged Him knowing that what they were doing was going against the very thing He was trying to protect them from, He loved them. His love never left; never ceased. Ever. He loved first. Always. Forever.

Were Adam and Eve held accountable for their actions? Yep. We all know they were because here we all sit living in the repercussions of that fateful choice. Yet, His love is and was always there.


It is God’s purpose.

God didn’t send Jesus to judge us. If Jesus was sent to judge, He would have never been nailed to that cross. We all know there were far better candidates to hang on that tree that day. Why did God send Jesus, then? Love. Always love. Never ceasing. Forever.

I think about my friends. I’ve heard some heavy stories lately. Stories that make you question His love. But here’s what I know. The moment that friend steps into that room and makes the most difficult decision of her life; a decision that would be (rightfully) judged by the world AND Christians as wrong, God is there. He is sitting in that room with her. He is sitting with her because He loves her. Her choice does not limit His love. Her decision does not take away His love and replace it with judgment. His love. It’s there.For everyone. Always. Forever. Period.

My other friend is going through something that carries such a burden of shame. It’s so so heavy. I cannot type these words without starting to cry. It’s another situation that makes you question God’s love and be vastly aware of the judgment piercing your soul through the eyes of others. But, here’s what I know. God is with her. He is next to her because He loves her. He loves her so wide, so deep, and so boundless regardless of the journey she is on. His love. It’s there. For everyone. Always. Forever. Period. 

Maybe today you’ve muddied the waters. You’ve replaced judgment with love. It’s easy to do. I believe it is easier at times to judge than to love. Remember God. In ever situation, in ever circumstance, He loves. To the end of the age, He loves. He loved Judas even when He betrayed His son. His love. It’s there. For everyone. Always. Forever. Period.

Maybe today you feel more judged by God than loved. That’s not the God I know. The God I know is sitting right beside you. He’s been loving you this entire time. He’s just waiting for you to see Him. His love. It’s there. Always. Forever. 

I may not be able to give you a reason. I may not be able to answer your “whys”. What I do know and what I can tell you is that you are loved. You always have been loved. You are valued. You always have been valued. You are His and you are loved…even if you are yet to believe. You are loved. 

Just in case you’ve forgotten how loved you are, here is a song to remind you…

Song of Hope

Love & Blessings,


Busy or Purposeful

Busy or Purposeful

As we enter the holiday season, we all know our schedules will overflow. People are going to ask us how we are doing and we are going to respond with, “I’m so busy.” I don’t want to be busy. I want to be purposeful. “… whatever 

Top 10 for Mama’s

Top 10 for Mama’s

Being a mom is the greatest gift. It can also be the most difficult task you’ve ever faced. From joy to frustration, excitement to panic, pride to worry, motherhood brings so many emotions. I watched some mama’s send their kids off to a weekend away. 

Let It Snow

Let It Snow

When my middle guy was three, he said it couldn’t be Christmas unless it snowed. Anytime we talked about the impending holiday, he would tell us in his sweet little voice that it absolutely not come until it snowed.

Guess what?

It snowed that year.

On Christmas Day!

Not only did it snow, we got buckets of snow that year on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This is a dig deal here in the Dallas area because it doesn’t snow often. Somehow, that cute little three year old was convinced that Christmas could not come until it snowed. And he was right.

What if we believed God this way?

What would change in your faith?

In your life?

What if no matter what, you believed God?

Our faith would grow immeasurably. We can believe regardless of circumstances. We can walk through valleys with confidence. We can believe when unbelief seems like the easier choice. We can have hope when life seems hopeless.

Believing God.

In all situations.

At all times.

Because He is worthy of our trust.

Believe God today like my three year old believed it would snow on Christmas Day. You never know how He will show up. All you need is to believe.

Love & Blessings,


Hang ‘Em

Hang ‘Em

What makes Twitter light up? When do TV ratings go off the charts? How do things become trending topics that everyone is talking about? When someone has done something wrong and the mob goes after them. As much as we hate to admit it, we