Tag: Good Friday

I watched Passion of the Christ with my kids. Here’s how it went…a throwback

I watched Passion of the Christ with my kids. Here’s how it went…a throwback

I got the crazy idea to watch The Passion of the Christ with my boys on this Good Friday. From the moment I saw the film, I knew I wanted my children to see it and I didn’t even have any kids when the movie first came out. We can never know the brevity of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. This movie gives us a small glimpse into that reality and that’s what I wanted my kids to see: reality. Not some fairy tale.

The Exchange

The Exchange

Today, this Good Friday, your social media feeds will be filled with pictures of Christ on the cross and quotes about His death. people will lament about what happened on this fateful day. Most of us will scroll past because we are numb to it