The Table

The Table

Time. We know it’s a precious commodity. Most of us respond with, “I’m so busy” when asked how we are doing.




We never have enough time. At some point, we decided we had to get our time back. So, we stole it from the kitchen table. Why, when reviewing time management, did we give someone permission to tell us to take back our lives by taking away time in the kitchen?

There’s something to be said about time spent in the kitchen. We have the most comfortable couch and enough chairs to accommodate the entire neighborhood yet, we always ALWAYS wind up around the kitchen island and at the kitchen table. There is something special, something sacred, about that space in our homes. Whether we like to cook or not, the kitchen is a meeting place; a catch-all for people and community.

Jesus modeled this better than anyone. He broke bread with many showing love and expressing grace. He knew nourishing their bodies would lead to an opportunity to nourish their souls. He understood the power of life around the table. It was never about the presentation or the meal (Hello, Mary and Martha). For Jesus, the table always represented opportunity: an opportunity to show someone love, to show someone kindness, to show someone grace. Life around our tables matters. It matters a lot.

Life around the table isn’t always meant to be easy. Jesus talked about his certain death around the table, for goodness sake. Don’t get discouraged if your toddler throws a tantrum, your big kid hates what’s on her plate, or your teenager is utterly silent the entire meal. There is no striving at the table. Just being.

As I analyze our family schedule, I can’t help but strive to protect our time around the table and let go of some other things. The conversations that happen there, the love that is shared, the safe space it can be is immeasurable and completely worth the work it takes to get there.

The table has substance. The table exudes life. The table is a soul-filler and should not be feared or avoided. It doesn’t take an elaborate meal. You do not need a Pinterest table setting. No need to be perfect. Just be present.

“When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve.” Matthew 26:20

Love & Blessings,
