

You love Jesus. But, do you let Jesus love you?

Yikes. That’s a tough question. It hits to the core, doesn’t it? We say we love Jesus but do we allow Jesus in to love us? I don’t think many of us have stopped to think about this question. We go on our merry way living out our lives loving Jesus with all our might not realizing we have never let Jesus fully love us.






We don’t let Jesus in to fully love us because we don’t trust him.

We don’t let Jesus in to fully love us because we struggle to release control.

We don’t let Jesus in to fully love us because we don’t believe we are worthy.

We don’t let Jesus in to fully love us because we don’t think we are valuable.

We don’t let Jesus in to fully love us because we flounder in our faith of the unseen.

Our faith never reaches its full potential, we never experience the fullness and richness of Jesus this side of Heaven, because we don’t let Jesus in to love us. We love him, yes. But Jesus loving us? That’s a struggle.

There is an infamous story about Jesus and love (well, there are many infamous stories about Jesus and love) found in John chapter four. Jesus purposefully hangs out at Jacob’s well. He knows a woman shunned by her community will come to fetch water in the heat of the day. He knows this woman needs something; that she needs him. She was considered unlovable, undervalued, and unworthy of love by her people. Yet, Jesus wanted to love her. We know this because he went out of his way to meet her right where she was at.

How many times has Jesus met us right where we were to love on us but we missed it because we didn’t believe we were worthy of his love?

The story goes that he showed her life and love and she ran off and told her village. She became the first missionary in Scripture telling anyone and everyone about the Living Water. All because she allowed Jesus in to love her.

There is one part of this story that I glazed over every time I read it. I have read this story countless times and never paid much attention to verse 28. It says, “Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, ‘Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?'” (emphasis mine)

She left her water jar. She went to the well in the heat of the day to fetch water only to meet the Living Water. She didn’t need that jug anymore. She met the One who sustains and she knew it. Thus, setting down and leaving behind that which she used to fill her voids and depletions.

What do you need to set down in order to let Jesus in to love you? What have you been picking up instead of the love of Christ to fill you; sustain you? Jesus wants to be our Living Water. He wants to love us so deeply that he makes us whole and without need.

Let him in.

Let him love you.

Jesus is love. Jesus wants to love you. You ARE worthy of his love. You ARE valuable enough to receive his love. Release the control you were never meant to have and never had in the first place. He wants to love…YOU!

Love & Blessings,
