You know what I like? When I get on Facebook and one of those silly links becomes popular and my entire feed is filled with “What will you look like as a super model?” or “What will you look like in old age?” It’s a nice shift from the combative debates.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
John 10:10
We are distracted. The “thief” (Satan) has come into our world and stolen our focus. We are so busy in-fighting that we have forgotten how to listen. We are hyper-focused on being right that we have lost sight on how to love. We are fighting an “or” fight when, in reality, it’s an unifying “and” fight.
Let me explain. When tragedy strikes our world, we come out with a vengeance. We are battle-ready with our swords (our words). We have one argument and that is the only one that matters. Are you pro-gun control? That’s your focus. Do you think we need to do more for mental health? Then this is your lane. There is no merging, no room for debate, no listening. One argument and one argument only.
Let me challenge us by saying, this is EXACTLY where Satan wants us. I know I just lost 95% of my readers by mentioning Satan, but bear with me. If Satan’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy wouldn’t it behoove him to do this through tragedy? What better way to get to our souls than when we are trying to wrap our heads around innocent children being killed? He’s got his hook in us and he’s got it in deep.
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
1 Peter 5:8
We are not each others’ enemies. Let me say this again, we are not each others’ enemies. It is time we link arms and fight the real fight against the real enemy: Satan.
This argument we are having is not an “or” argument. We need to stop saying: “Gun control OR mental health.” This is an “and” fight.
Gun Control AND Mental Health
God AND Family
School Safety AND Community Involvement
The Enemy would love nothing more than for us to continue to have the “OR” fight. When he keeps us in this space he wins because he keeps us divided and distracted. I know many of us are uncomfortable talking about the “Enemy” but it is time we do. It is time we name-it claim-it and start fighting the real battle: not against flesh and blood (people/each other) but against the powers beyond us.
” For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
Let’s start having more “AND” conversations and less “OR” arguments.
Love & Blessings,