40 Things I’ve Learned Now That I’m 40

40 Things I’ve Learned Now That I’m 40
  1. Life truly is PRECIOUS

2. I WILL enjoy my people

3. I have made it through all the most difficult days thus far & survived

4. I’m a good mom

5. I’m a good wife

6. I have a lot of good to give this world

7. I matter

8. I am valuable

9. I have purpose

10. I can laugh at myself

11. I still have a lot to learn

12. The urgent things really aren’t that urgent

13. My opinion isn’t always merited or necessary

14. Listen. Just listen.

15. Life is a whole lot simpler than I’ve made it

16. Be present

17. Allow interruptions

18. Make mistakes

19. Always work towards being a better you

20. Give grace: to yourself & others

21. Love really does win

22. Healthy isn’t a number on the scale

23. Food is so much more than something yummy to eat

24. Life really does happen around the table

25. Slow is good

26. My mom and dad really were right

27. Allow others to help

28. Listen when your friends say the hard things

29. Take that compliment

30. You’re never too old to follow your dreams

31. Send that text, give that compliment, write that note

32. Forgive. Always be the first to forgive

33. Always be open to learn

34. Serve others whenever you get a chance

35. Make time and space for you

36. Sabbath matters

37. Say no

38. Give your best yes

39. Walk away from the solid and run towards the possible

40. Take that nap

Love & Blessings,
