
- lack of success
- the omission of expected or require action
Failure scares us. We live in a culture that idolizes success. We chase after success with all we’ve got. We are celebrated when success comes our way. Failure? Not so much. Failure carries a weightiness that we can’t carry. When we fail, we know people are talking and they are not saying good things. Our egos are bruised; our confidence busted.
The other day, my trainer had us work towards failure. I don’t think there was one of us in that room that wasn’t grunting, dripping in sweat from head-to-toe, or saying un-Christianly things in her head. It was hard. It hurt. I wanted to quit multiple times. She talked us all off our ledges and we actually lived to see the end. During this class I was able to do something I had never done before. I was able to do multiple push-ups getting my chest to the floor. I have been doing push-ups for years and never felt the ease of getting my chest to the floor and back up again more than once. I couldn’t believe it. I was so proud of myself.
I would have never been able to get my chest to the floor had I not pushed myself to failure. I will not get stronger if I only stay with the 5 pound weights. The only way I will grow is if I push myself to failure.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus… Hebrews 12:1-2
Life is a race not a destination. I want to get the finish line completely out of breath. The only way that will happen is if I allow myself to reach towards failure. I accomplished a bucket list task after our third boy was born. I trained and ran a half marathon. I ran when it felt like the surface of the sun outside. I ran in one of the coldest and windiest winters we have had here in Dallas. It was like the weather was out to get me. I walked when I knew I should have been running. I pushed a double jogger and threw snacks at babies just to make it through the mileage of the day. I hit failure countless times in my training AND in my race. There were multiple miles where failure crept in. It’s funny how your body wants to break down one second and then, all of a sudden, the adrenaline kicks in, and you feel like the Incredible Hulk. Failure. It’s part of the race and what gets you to the finish line.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds James 1:2
James isn’t telling us to have a big ole fake smile on our face and pretend things are all sunshine and lollipops when life is crumbling around us. Instead, this verse is letting us know that trials, that failure, is an opportunity not a death sentence. Our culture tells us to run as fast and as far away as we can from failure. We are to chase success and success only. That’s why everyone gets a participation trophy. I say, and I would think James would agree, that when failure starts to creep up on us we should chase it. Chasing failure sounds ludicrous but I say it’s an opportunity. Failure makes you stronger. Failure pushes you from total break-down to Incredible Hulk status. Failure drives you to become more than you ever thought you could be.
Failure brings us to our knees which leads us to our Savior.
Don’t be afraid of failure.
Run towards it.
Love & Blessings,