
I saw a post that contained some awful news. It was one of those things where you want to shake your fist at God so angry at how unfair the news is. It didn’t make sense and it didn’t seem right. Inexplicable. When I read the news, I literally stopped in my tracks jaw to the floor not able to move. How on earth can this be? If You love us like you say You do, then why on earth did you allow this to happen, God?
Ever been there? Ever wondered why God would allow something terrible to happen. Ever wonder why she gets the blessings while you are over here suffering like no other? I am sure we can all relate.
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3: 17-19
I am learning that God’s love is not measured by anything here on earth. Whether you have little or have much does not determine the level of God’s love for you and for me. Oftentimes, we look at our blessings or the blessings of others and determine those blessings are rooted in how much God loves us. While those gifts are because of God’s love they are not determined by the degree to which God loves us.
God loves. Period.
There is no measuring rod to determine His love for us. When bad things happen, that doesn’t mean that He has stopped loving. When good things happen to the person that doesn’t seem to deserve it, that does not mean God loves her more than you. God’s love is not bound by Earth’s rules.
We like to measure things. We need an explanation when things go horribly wrong. So, we turn to God. We explain away faith because we can’t wrap our heads around a loving God who allows space for bad things to happen. We envy or despise others because we equate their riches with His love. His love is not measurable. It is too big.
The earth is limiting. We can only see and feel and know so much. God’s love abounds; it goes beyond all comprehension. Just because you have suffered does not mean God loves you any less or has forgotten you. If anything, He is holding onto you more tightly in those moments.
God loves you regardless.
Regardless of your life circumstances.
Regardless of your past.
Regardless of your mistakes.
Regardless of your socio-economic status.
Regardless of your mental illness.
He loves. Period.
When you get the bad news or feel like life is too heavy, remember He loves you. When you get that promotion, God loves you. Be comforted in knowing God loves so wide, so long, so high, and so deep that nothing can contain it.
Love & Blessings,