Let It Snow

When my middle guy was three, he said it couldn’t be Christmas unless it snowed. Anytime we talked about the impending holiday, he would tell us in his sweet little voice that it absolutely not come until it snowed.
Guess what?
It snowed that year.
On Christmas Day!
Not only did it snow, we got buckets of snow that year on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This is a dig deal here in the Dallas area because it doesn’t snow often. Somehow, that cute little three year old was convinced that Christmas could not come until it snowed. And he was right.
What if we believed God this way?
What would change in your faith?
In your life?
What if no matter what, you believed God?
Our faith would grow immeasurably. We can believe regardless of circumstances. We can walk through valleys with confidence. We can believe when unbelief seems like the easier choice. We can have hope when life seems hopeless.
Believing God.
In all situations.
At all times.
Because He is worthy of our trust.
Believe God today like my three year old believed it would snow on Christmas Day. You never know how He will show up. All you need is to believe.
Love & Blessings,