American Christian

American Christian

Why do you believe?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that question? If you follow a belief system, why do you believe?

…because that is the way you were brought up?

…because your family believes that way?

…because the culture believes?

…because someone told you about some peace and freedom and you wanted in?

Whatever the reason, we all believe because of something.

I’m wondering how much of our faith, our Christianity, is based on our American culture and heritage and not the actual Bible. I’ve been hit hard with this question lately. How much am I believing based on culture and tradition vs. Biblical truths?

Once I started digging and prying away my misguided beliefs, I realized my faith is so much sweeter than the American Dream. My faith became my own. My relationship with Jesus, secure. I was at peace with having questions because I found answers when I started researching on my own. And when the answers didn’t come, I found peace because I had found God for myself not because of anything or anyone else.

Some of us are scared to peel away the layers of tradition. That’s the way it’s always been, so that’s how it should be.

Some of us are scared to question because maybe that means we don’t believe hard enough.

Some of us believe what we’re told because, well, it’s easier and safer in that space.

This is your permission to find your faith. To find Jesus. To find your belief and relationship with Him outside of the American Christian norm.

You may be an American.

You may even be a Christian.

The two, however, are not one in the same.

Don’t be afraid to search.

Don’t be afraid to question.

Don’t be afraid to wonder.

Find a faith that is real and deep and raw.

It’s worth it.

Love & Blessings,
