Victim or Victory

“For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:4
Are you living from a place of victory or victimization? When someone or something wrongs you, where do you stand? Where do you fall? How do you react? If you are a Christian, this matters.
Too many of us forget (myself included) that we stand victorious in ALL things because of Jesus. You and me? We’ve won the battle; all the battles. We are cutting ourselves short living in a state of victim-hood completely forgetting that we are victorious.
To be a victim today = power.
The message that is coming through our televisions and phones is one of empowerment through standing on the platform of being a victim. Victory does not come by staying in a victim mentality. Strength arises and victory is found in overcoming through Jesus. We do not stand on being victims. We stand secure in victory through Jesus Christ.
When we continue to live in our victimization, we continue to give power and victory to our aggressor. The more we allow ourselves to live in the space of being a victim, the more we give power to the one who has victimized us. That was never the way we were created to live.
We were designed to stand firm in victory. We are already victorious in Jesus. Period. No longer are we chained to our victim-hood. We can drop our victim mentality. We can yank the power away from our aggressors because they have no hold on us. We stand firm in victory through the One who made us victorious-Jesus.
This world tells us we have power by staying in our victimization; that empowerment is found when we shout louder about how bad we have been hurt. But Jesus. Jesus is different. Power is not found in the tearing down of ourselves. The power is found in our victory in Him. There is nothing we need to do but stand firm on His promise that He has already overcome.
Take the power away from your aggressors.
Shed your victim skin.
Stand firm and confident in the victory that is already yours.
He makes the darkness tremble.
Stand strong.
You are victorious.
Love & Blessings,