Top 10 for Mama’s

Being a mom is the greatest gift. It can also be the most difficult task you’ve ever faced. From joy to frustration, excitement to panic, pride to worry, motherhood brings so many emotions. I watched some mama’s send their kids off to a weekend away. This weekend would consist of connection, fellowship, and spiritual growth for these kids. Mine didn’t go. There were many reason he didn’t attend. But, you know what I saw? Failure. I saw my kid not participating in something spiritual and that, in turn, caused the chatter in my head to begin and all the labels of failure to move in.
Mama’s, you were not created to mom like her. He created you to mom like YOU. If He didn’t trust you in the raising up of these kids, He would have never given them to you. He knows you are going to fail. He knows you are going to struggle. He also knows that you are going to succeed in raising these children because He is walking right alongside you.
So, here is a Mama’s Top 10. Hopefully it helps us all feel a little less guilty and a little more confident in our momming skils.
- You will frequently feel like you are failing them or falling short. You’re NOT. Remember, Mary lost Jesus, the Son of God, for days. He didn’t take her mothering title away from her for that snafu.
- You were made for this. Yup. You were created to mom exactly these kids exactly this way.
- The kids were fed today. They made it to school with clothes & shoes on. They ate something )Even if it was half a granola bar thrown at them in the car because you were late.) You succeeded in your parenting today.
- Your kids are going to mess up. You didn’t fail. They’re kids. They are supposed to mess up.
- Hugs & kisses go a LONG way.
- Stop. Don’t try and do everything. Just do the next thing that is right in front of you.
- No one ever failed 2nd grade because their mom didn’t sign their reading log.
- They need to fail. They need to make mistakes. They need to fall and get hurt. It helps them become healthy adults and gives you an opportunity to be there for them.
- They don’t need your perfectly crafted words at just the right moment. They don’t need the perfectly made craft to take to school or the hand-sewn costume. They don’t need you showered, in shape, or put together. They just need YOU.
- You are doing a good job.
Mother’s are invaluable to God’s Kingdom.
“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”
Proverbs 31:28-29