Center Stage

Center Stage

It took me awhile, but I finally got my word for 2019.


Guess how I felt when the word came to me?


I’ve talked about what being fearless is versus what I thought it was. Being fearless isn’t one giant leap like I thought. It is made up of a million tiny situations. Life is like that: a million tiny moments that come together to create this beautiful life.

I don’t know about you, but I my gaze is focused on the BIG moments. I don’t know if it is our culture or the way I am wired, but it’s the big moments that catch my attention; the thing I am hunting for.

I had a moment last Friday. A BIG moment. But, it happened in a small way. I was on a stationary bike in a spin class. The instructor turned the lights off and had us cover our monitors. Survivor by Beyonce was playing (so you know it had to be good). I let go of some death that was residing in me in that moment. No one knew what I was doing, feeling, or experiencing. I wasn’t on a stage. I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t cry until I got into my car. No one knew the powerful moment I experienced with God as Beyonce sang.

A BIG moment in a small way.

Jesus worked in small moments. I think of his ministry and which stories I remember most only to find that it is the small moments that stick.

  • The woman at the well.
  • The five loaves and two fish.
  • Mary and Martha.
  • The adulterous woman.

It’s in the small moments where I find the most power, change, and healing. Yet, for some reason, my heart and my gaze are looking for the big moments. I am missing the big things because I am looking in the wrong place.

Are you searching for something in your life fully convinced that it has to be BIG? Do you feel like you aren’t valuable because you aren’t on a stage? Your life is meaningless because you don’t have a huge impact?

I honestly believe this is one of Satan’s greatest schemes for our generation. We believe that we need to have BIG moments, BIG followings, BIG jobs in order to have a BIG impact for Jesus. This is just not true. Yet, we believe the lie. And because we believe it, we are paralyzed and don’t live out our purpose. Don’t let Satan win.

It is because of your small moments that lives are changed.

  • That one time you were courageous enough to share your story to a friend? Her life was changed.
  • That one time you allowed that co-worker to know you are a Christian? His life is changed.
  • That one time you decided to take food to a friend who was struggling? Her life was changed.
  • That one time you decided to pay for the coffee of the person behind you? His life was changed.

I know with all of my being that when we get to Heaven we are going to find that all the small moments were actually the big moments. What small moments are you avoiding because you don’t thing they matter? They do matter. Much more then you think.

Live in the small. That’s where the big stuff happens.

Love & Blessings,
