Dear Megan,

I am sorry.
I am sorry that you don’t believe in yourself.
I do.
I am sorry for you thinking you were fat in second grade. And third. And fourth. And on and on.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made in My image. How exquisite to be modeled after me.
I am sorry you feel rejected more then you feel accepted.
Because you have ALWAYS been accepted by me.
I am sorry you felt left out when all you wanted was to be in. They liked you. You just couldn’t see it.
You have always been accepted. I love you unconditionally.
I am sorry you felt (and still feel) like you need to try so hard.
You don’t Faith is what makes you whole. Not works. I love your heart not your actions.
I am sorry you think you aren’t worthy of your calling. Especially since it hasn’t blossomed the way the world has convinced you it should.
Show them Me. Even if it’s only the one. You’ve done enough for the Kingdom.
I am sorry you question your mothering and whether or not you are failing your boys.
I picked you to be their mama, faults and all. And I don’t make mistakes.
I am sorry you don’t feel worthy of all the things your husband does for you.
Every good and perfect gift comes from above. He is that. Your marriage is a reflection of my love for you.
I am sorry you look in the mirror and see your faults first.
I look at you and see Jesus. I see love. I see grace. I see beauty.
I am sorry you don’t see yourself the way others see you.
Others’ opinions of you don’t matter. Only mine. And I see perfection.
I am sorry you don’t see yourself the way I see you.
Because I see grace, redemption, new life, and hope.
I am sorry you don’t feel like you’re ever good enough.
Run the race towards me not towards striving. Make room for me to run beside you. I am enough. I will fill in the gaps. I need your weaknesses to make you strong.
I am sorry you don’t think your dream is worthy of coming true.
I would have never place that dream within you if I didn’t want to see it fulfilled. Delight yourself in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.
It is time you stop apologizing to yourself for not being enough. Because I am enough. And that is all that matters.