Small Moments. Big Impact.

Small Moments. Big Impact.

We’ve been fed a lie. Did you know that? We’ve been fed the lie that big matters.

Big moments.

Big faith.

Big following.

We sit in our little lives and wonder how we can have the big moments so we can have meaning. Thanks to social media and the viral trend, we are led to believe that only the big stuff matters. All that small stuff? That’s the stuff that matters.

I look at Jesus’ life and all I see are small moments. Besides his crucifixion, everything he did was small. From his birth throughout his ministry, Jesus was intention with small moments. I think of the lives he touched and changed because he was passionate about who and what was right in front of him. That is where he lived.

One of Satan’s biggest ploys and biggest lies of our day is that the little stuff is meaningless.

We can see it throughout our generation. People are depressed, anxious, and isolated because they feel worthless. Their lives add no value to this world because they are too small. That is a bold-faced lie.

Jesus’ name is know globally because he chose to live small. He chose to focus on the one person, one moment, and one miracle knowing that that one thing would have the greatest impact for all mankind for eternity.

If Jesus’ life is any consolation to you, let it be an encouragement for you to live out the life right in front of you without hesitation.

Send that one text.

Love those babies.

Take care of your home.

Invite that neighbor over for dinner.

Run that errand for your friend whose overwhelmed.

Wash your families’ laundry so they don’t have to go naked.

It all matters.

The small stuff…it has the greatest impact.

Stop believing the lie that you need to have a platform to add value to this world. Stop believing the lie that you have to have the big traumatic story that led you to Jesus for your faith to matter. It all matters. All of it comes together in one chaotic mess to make the most beautiful story. A story of redemption and grace that is far too valuable to waste.

Small Moments = Big Impact.

Love & Blessings,
