Fake News

Fake News

I did it. I did what everyone else was doing. But it didn’t feel right. I tried to fit the algorithm. The what? The thing that gets you attention. I changed certain things in specific places to get attention; to get people to click on my profile. It’s not a bad thing. It’s the way of the blogger world these days. But, it didn’t feel right.

I felt fake.

Like fake news.

It felt icky.

And not me.

I was faking it and not making it.

I tried to put the click bate out there and it didn’t feel right. The moment I changed things back to represent the real me, I drew in a deep breath and exhaled.

There I am.


Jesus never faltered from who he was. He never tried to be something he wasn’t. He didn’t adhere to the culture or the norms of the time. If anything, he pressed against them. Jesus knew who he was, knew his purpose, and believed passionately in his mission. Because of this, he never wavered from who he was. He was Jesus. And that was enough.

You and I were created with a unique design. There is no one else on this planet like you. The world would suffer if we tried to be someone else; if we caved and tried to be who society and culture told us to be.

You have a voice. You have a message. You have a purpose.

The world will tell us we don’t matter if…

  • We don’t have a following.
  • Our homes aren’t decorated with shiplap and subway tile.
  • We aren’t winning at the mom game.
  • We aren’t wealthy enough.
  • We don’t wear the right clothes.
  • We don’t drive the right car.

I want to believe so passionately in myself that the naysayers have no say. I want to know and believe that I was created by a Creator with a beautiful and exquisite vision in mind. And I want to live out that vision. Don’t you?

Jesus knew who he was and he never apologized for it; even to the point of death. He didn’t fear who he was or his mission. He believed in it whole-heartedly instead. Because he believed in himself and his mission, lives were forever changed for the better. I want that. I want to be so passionate about what God has me on this planet to do that lives are changed because of it.

We can alter ourselves all we want. We can chase algorithms until we get millions of followers. We can add the right SEO verbiage to our scripts all day long. But, we will never be fulfilled. True fulfillment comes when we believe in ourselves as much as God does.

True fulfillment comes when we believe in ourselves as much as God does.

So, get out there. Live out your life like you believe in it. And then, really believe: believe that you are (just as you are) are so valuable and worthy to this world that we would be lost without you. Because we are.

Love & Blessings,
